Sunday, April 19, 2020

An upgrade, an integration, and two CZ lessons


Really hope you are doing well and staying safe out there. 

Our worlds have been tossed upside-down and it may be a while before things get back to "normal" (whatever normal may look like once this event passes). 

At the very least, I'm guessing a lot more companies will keep using remote workers where they haven't before — they are now figuring out how much work can actually be done from home.

If you are stuck at home, I hope you're getting creative with your time. And if you need some things to watch, I found a list of livestream events you can check out. Hope this helps a bit.

Now I got a few pieces of news for you...

Basechain Got an Upgrade (Hard Fork) ⛓

Yup yup... we have released Basechain's build #1376 hard fork.

This build includes a few fixes to the DPOS system, new RPC methods for querying chain state, and a couple of small tweaks to optimize node resource usage.

So if you want to get nerdy with me...

Huobi Token Integration Is Live 🔥 

Our latest Basechain integration is live — Huobi Token!

With this integration, Basechain developers are now able to build dapps that accept payment in Huobi Token (HT) — as well as trade HT for ETH, LOOM, DAI, and many other ERC20 tokens.

And you may be happy to hear that...

Two New CryptoZombies Lessons Are Ready for You 🎉

That's right... two new CryptoZombies lessons are now available  🎉 

They are part of a three-part series on how to build and interact with an oracle. In the first two lessons, we will teach you to build and interact with the simplest possible oracle that allows only one user, its owner, to fetch data from Binance's public API.

So go ahead and dive into...

...and stay tuned for Part 3, in which we show you how to make your oracle more decentralized.

And please please please...

  • Wash your hands,
  • Stay away from others, and
  • Wear a mask if you MUST go out.

The more we work together, the faster we can beat this.
Until next time...
– Robert
P.S. I want to give a shout out to all the essential workers out there who literally can't work from home... the brave folks putting their own lives on the line to keep this whole machine running amongst all the chaos. Of course, Marc Rebillet says it best.

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Our postal address: 26/47 12A Floor Orakarn Building, 46 Chit Lom Alley, Khwaeng Lumphini, Bangkok, Thailand, 10330