First-ever US Space Force and Neil Armstrong Satellite NFT by Star Atlas Launches into Space
A new age of space exploration is here. This time, we are going all the way.
US Space Force and Neil Armstrong have created their first-ever NFT in collaboration with Star Atlas, launching it into the metaverse as a blockchain satellite simultaneously with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch of the ARMSTRONG GPS III-SV05 Satellite on June 17, 2021.
The iconic limited-edition NFT is a surprise for space exploration enthusiasts around the world. It introduces the most sought-after of all GPS satellites providing advanced tech to more than 4 billion humans.
The Star Atlas NFT meta-poster contains next-gen technology, offering:
- Truly immersive augmented reality
- Mood-altering soundscape
- Next-gen creativity
Take a look at the future. See Star Atlas and its ReBirth NFT technology in action [ReBirth is accessible via desktop devices only].
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