Friday, February 15, 2019

Week 07: Komodo's Five Bullet Friday. Roguelander — the first blockchain based Rogue game.

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 Week 07 


An overview of Komodo's first text-based Blockchain game

An exciting preview of what's possible with crypto-conditions! Here are all the reasons to be excited about Komodo's Roguelander — the first blockchain based Rogue game. It's also the first worlds first player data atomic swap. The original 'Rogue' was a dungeon crawling video game released in the early 80s. Find out more here

Is Komodo on the Tipping Point of Mass Adoption?

An interview with Kadan J. Stadelmann, the CTO of Komodo, looking at the tech that's been built, our ICO, the agreement and guidelines agreed with zcash that led to the fork happening recently, and what's coming up in 2019. Watch the full interview here:


GINcoin is the first DASH coin to adopt dPoW

GINcoin powers the GIN Platform, the first master node management platform on the market, and is officially the first master node coin based on DASH tech to use dPoW! Dragos Badea, CTO, said, "We're excited about new tech and the Komodo solution seems like a very clever approach to the now very popular 51% attack which allows us to stay PoW". The GIN algorithm changed today, 15th of February, at precisely 4 pm GMT. Read more here:

The Fallacy That Blockchain Is Stuck in One Place

Komodo is mentioned in an article written by Michael J Casey, the chairman of CoinDesk's advisory board, in this article focusing on blockchain innovation:

And now for something completely different. Someone made a really cool crypto cardgame and Komodo is featured on it!

You can check it out here:

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MIT Technology Review

Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and why they matter

02.15: Welcome to the bandwagon