Friday, February 15, 2019

Cardano Community Newsletter - February 15, 2019

Welcome to the Cardano Newsletter!

Published by the Cardano community team every two weeks, this newsletter will provide you with news, updates and events about the project! If you would like to unsubscribe from the Cardano newsletter, you can do so by clicking "unsubscribe from this list" at the bottom of this email.

Announcing the Ambassador Program 

The Cardano Ambassador Program was recently launched and the first group of community Ambassadors were announced! The program is designed to recognize community members who go above and beyond, offering regular, consistent and positive contributions to the community and wider project.
Learn more about the Ambassador Program

Cardano Roadmap Update

With the latest roadmap update, there was an announcement on how the Cardano Roadmap would be changing. The timer on the roadmap page has been removed and updates about important software releases will be published intermittently. Further details will be provided at the IOHK Summit by IOHK CEO, Charles Hoskinson. 
Read the Announcement

Attend the IOHK Summit

Tickets for the IOHK Summit are now on sale! The event will be held on April 17-18, in Miami, Florida. There will be workshops and talks from all areas of IOHK development, hackathons with IOHK engineers and even a cryptographic puzzle game in Miami!
Get your Tickets

Yoroi Wallet on Android 

Yoroi is a light-client wallet for Ada. It was first released as a Google Chrome extension and now has been released as an Android app. In its first week, it reached the #1 spot in Productivity apps in the Google Play Store for Japan!
Learn more here

Upcoming Meetups

We have exciting news to share about upcoming Cardano meetups around the world. In London, there will be a meetup in collaboration with Coinscrum to introduce the recently launched smart contract languages, Plutus and Marlowe. Nearby in Bristol, the IOHK team will be soft launching the Symphony of Blockchains Exhibit, which is a multi-sensory, virtual reality experience that brings to life the origin of blockchain technology! And in Amsterdam, at a community-organized event, Manuel Chakravarty, Language Architect at IOHK, will be presenting on Plutus.

Nothing in your area?

See if a group already exists on our page and connect with the local organiser!


Start your own Cardano meetup group? Learn more


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