Sunday, June 27, 2021

👋 We're Back And We're Now Future Finance

Future Finance
👋 We're Back And We're Now Future Finance
By Alan Tsen • Issue #112 • View online
Oh damn, we're back, and we got a makeover!
Let's start with why you're receiving this email. A long time ago, you subscribed to a newsletter called The Week In Bitcoin - a weekly newsletter on the state of the crypto and blockchain industry.
After writing the Week In Bitcoin for over 2 years (and 111 issues), I quietly mothballed it and moved on to writing a weekly missive on all the happenings in the fintech sector (which you should also subscribe to if you don't already receive it 😉).
Now, after a 3-year hiatus, we're back!
You'll notice we've got a new lick of paint and a name change! As the sector has evolved, so too has The Week In Bitcoin. We're now going to be known as Future Finance - because that's what open and decentralised financial protocol really are, the future of finance.
So what's on the agenda for Future Finance? Every week, I plan to provide you with a short email that curates the most important, insightful and sometimes comical news from the world of open distributed finance.
Future Finance is designed to be a short, punchy weekly newsletter that covers what you need to know. You'll be able to read it in under 10 minutes.
I'm glad to be back and writing about a sector that I really think is the future of our financial system.
Now without any further ado, let's get into this week's issue.
Alan Tsen 👊 💯

Source: DeFi-ing The Rules of Traditional Finance
Source: DeFi-ing The Rules of Traditional Finance
Source: The DAO Landscape
Source: The DAO Landscape
What did you think of this week's issue of Future Finance?
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Alan Tsen

Future Finance is a curated newsletter sent to your inbox every week. We cover all the most important news in the world of decentralised finance. It takes 10 minutes to read and gives you all the essential news.

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