Tuesday, June 19, 2018

CryptoWeekly #56

June 19, 2018 | #56
  • BTC: $6,709.85 | -$41.49 (-0.61%) since last week
  • ETH: $516.81 | -$7.81 (-1.37%) since last week
  • LTC: $97.92 | -$7.60 (-7.21%) since last week
HEAT Ledger
HEAT Ledger is Gen3 scalable blockchain with high POP rewards, custom DEX, Eth+BTC multicurrency wallet, microservices, instant off-chain messaging and more.

Inside the misfire-heavy launch of EOS's mainnet release
Despite being one of the most-hyped mainnet releases in recent memory, EOS's coming-out party went anything but smoothly. The release was delayed due to internal politics and a high-profile hack, and the new blockchain wasn't functional until days after its official release.

Regulated crypto custody is set to be a game-changer for investors
Coinbase and other exchanges are already in talks with regulators around offering crypto custodianship to investors. If approved, the move would likely boost institutional investors' interest in crypto, as it would then have industry-grade insurance and security.

The SEC's recent statement on Ethereum is significant - here's why
The SEC's confirmation that Ethereum isn't a security is great news for crypto investors. Not only does it signify that digital assets can transition into becoming non-securities, but it also opens the floodgates for the larger digital asset industry to develop even further.

Take a look inside the mind of a cryptocurrency bounty hunter
Crypto bounty hunters are developers that help token projects find (and sometimes fix) bugs or vulnerabilities in their code. And it's worthwhile work, too - some bounty hunters are making north of $100k in a single month for their efforts.

Here's how to explain crypto assets to anyone (even your banker)
This piece from CoinDesk does a great job of outlining the differences between cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (such as CryptoKitties) in layman's terms. While cryptocurrencies are tradable on exchanges and the open market, non-fungible assets are generally not.

Crypto exchanges are now charging more than NASDAQ for new listings
Despite getting token listed on an exchange being much simpler (from a technical perspective) than going public on a stock market, many of the largest crypto exchanges are charging up to twice as much as the NASDAQ for a standard token listing.

The full story of the crypto world's biggest scandal is now out in full
This deep-dive outlines the many missteps that led up to Tezos's massive ICO scandal, ranging from political infighting within the Tezos team to criminal fraud on a grand scale. After being outed as a potential scam by many, the Tezos went through an intense struggle to get its ICO live.

Centralized exchanges are becoming crypto's worst enemy
Several crypto entrepreneurs have come forward to reveal that several of the world's top exchanges have been trying to get fake volume generated on their platforms. Some centralized exchanges now have the power to swing the markets in their favor based on trading value alone, and that's now a key industry problem.

The rise in crypto securities lawsuits seems set to continue
As the global crypto market continues to grow, the number of lawsuits related to token projects (and crypto securities more broadly) will likely continue to rise as well. Hacking attempts may trigger additional lawsuits, as shown in the lawsuit filed against Nano after it engaged in an unregistered token offering.

The Bank for International Settlements is coming after crypto
In a recent paper on cryptocurrencies, the world's most influential banking body decried cryptocurrencies as volatile and not scalable enough to become a true global payment system. This may be due just as much to the inherent biases of central banks, but crypto investors should remain vigilant nonetheless.
  • Check out this great visualization from Reuters that explains how blockchain works. Link
  • Compare crypto prices across multiple exchanges with this easy tool. Link
  • Binance will be rolling out Euro trading pairs later this year. Link
  • Russia's largest bank are piloting crypto trading portfolios. Link
  • Stellar Lumens has been approved for trading by New York's financial regulators. Link
  • Paxos has now been authorized to add Ethereum, Litecoin, and other tokens. Link
  • Square has obtained a BitLicense for crypto purchases in New York. Link
  • Mike Novogratz has poached a Citi veteran to head up his new crypto trading desk. Link
  • Join the Litecoin Global Conference in San Francisco on September 14-15. Link
  • Coinbase is hiring a Business Analytics Associate in San Francisco. Link
Thanks to HEAT Ledger for sponsoring this newsletter edition.
Edited by Chris Osborne in Zaragoza (in town? reach out to get a coffee). Check out CryptoList and TokenDemoDay if you haven't already. More info on sponsoring a future edition of CryptoWeekly can be found here. Reply to this email if you have any feedback and/or suggestions. Thanks for reading!

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