Friday, June 22, 2018

Japan Crackdown / XRP on Coinbase / Hash Numbers / Stanford

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Here are today's ten most important Bitcoin stories, efficiently ranked & summarized by smart humans, not algorithms:

$BTC (12:40 p.m. EST): $6,168.62 (-8.33%) // 90-day high: $11,849.50 // 90-day low: $6,168.62/ / More

$BCH (12:40 p.m. EST): $765.27 (-12.47%) // 90-day high: $1,786.80// 90-day low: $608.37 // More

$ETH (12:41 p.m. EST): $473.43 (-10.53%) // 90-day high: $831.65 // 90-day low: $365.43 // More

$LTC (12:41 p.m. EST): $85.13 (-12.02%) // 90-day high: $251.03 // 90-day low: $85.13 // More

$XRP (12:41 p.m. EST): $0.49 (-6.94%) // 90-day high: $1.20 // 90-day low: $0.47 // More

Here are the 10 most important stories about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies today

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1. Japan’s Financial Services Agency ordered several cryptocurrency exchanges to improve their practices against money laundering. The order came at the request of bitFlyer, Japan’s largest crypto exchange, to suspend the creation of new accounts while it makes improvements to its security structures. "Our management and all employees are united in our understanding of how serious these issues are, as well as how serious we are in responding to them going forward," bitFlyer said. The price of bitcoin fell as much as 8 percent on some exchanges around the same time as the announcement. -CNBC

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2. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse wants XRP to be listed on Coinbase. “As we solve problems at scale for institutions, I think it’s in Coinbase’s interest to participate in that,” Garlinghouse said. “[However], I can’t speak for what Coinbase decides to—or decides not to—do.” Ripple has developed partnerships with banks around the world, many of whom use the Ripple ledger to facilitate cross-border transactions. -BITCOINIST

Ripple CEO wants XRP on Coinbase
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3. The online bitcoin community has been discussing the numbers inside a block hash that randomly appeared Wednesday night. It is too complicated to explain here, but in short, the block hash has unusual numbers and letter combinations important to some in the blockchain community. These combinations have excited and confused parts of the community looking for a larger meaning in their appearance. -FUTURISM

Block hash numbers excite crypto community
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4. The Korean government will invest $9 million to support blockchain development in the country. The money will be used to carry out six pilot programs that use blockchain technology for the benefit of the public sector. The programs will focus on livestock supply chain management, customs clearance, online voting, real estate transactions, cross-border e-document distribution and shipping logistics. -COINDESK

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5. Stanford University has created the Center for Blockchain Research. The center, supported in part by the Ethereum Foundation, will examine how blockchain technology can transform traditional business interactions. Beyond blockchain research, the preliminary five-year research program will help develop courses on blockchain implementations, in particular its role in the financial sector and data management. –COIN TELEGRAPH

Stanford creates blockchain research center
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6. The price of ethereum classic continued its rise on Thursday. The coin increased 7 percent in one day as it reached $17.71 per coin on cryptocurrency exchange Binance. The coin has jumped in price in the recent week after Coinbase announced it would begin to offer support for ethereum classic later this year. -CCN

7. Blockchain has the ability to help improve social media, a Forbes columnist argues. Blockchain could especially help with the verification of information and news. -FORBES

8. Dave Fleming, the co-founder of Eircoin, has accused the Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland of discriminating against crypto-related accounts. Eircoin closed in April, in part, because Fleming believes Irish banks refused to interact with his platform. –COIN TELEGRAPH

9. Cloudsight has added Bitcoin Lightning payments. The startup will accept microtransactions to gather and share visual knowledge that will allow artificial intelligence platforms to learn from one another. –VENTURE BEAT

10. Chinese police have arrested a bitcoin miner for stealing electricity. China has sought to crack down on its mining industry in recent months, which had previously involved a large number of operators in areas which had an over-supply of power. –COIN TELEGRAPH

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Swiss leaders see blockchain taking over.

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