Friday, July 6, 2018

Kinfo: New ways to earn and spend Kin in Kik and more!

Welcome to Kinfo, your monthly digest of all things Kin! 


In June, Kik launched new ways to earn and spend Kin. Users will be able to complete a tutorial, polls, and quizzes to earn Kin that they can spend on premium chat themes. This also marks the first transactions on the Kin blockchain and is a huge step forward in our goal of becoming the most used cryptocurrency in the world.

We've got some exciting things in the works for the coming weeks. Join the Kin community on Reddit, Telegram, and Twitter for the latest on all things Kin!

June 27, 2018

A select group of Kik's Android users can now access the Kin Marketplace to earn and spend Kin. Users can earn Kin by completing tutorials, polls, and quizzes, and can spend Kin on premium chat themes to use in their private or group chats on Kik.

2018 Q2 Kin highlights
From announcing that we're building our own blockchain to bringing in new ecosystem partners, we've had a busy few months at Kin. Check out our Q2 highlights!

Re-imagining value in the digital world - part 1

Read up on how Kin can change the way we think about, create, and distribute value in the digital world, and then check out part 2.


How cryptocurrency will gain mainstream adoption

Mass-adoption of crypto will require people to start spending their currencies instead of holding them for speculation - here's how we think this can happen.

Kinit product insights - under the hood

Understand how our technical leads define and measure events for the Kinit beta app.

June 19, 2018


June 27, 2018


June 27, 2018


June 27, 2018

The New York Times

June 27, 2018

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