Friday, July 27, 2018

Lisk rated one of the best blockchain projects🏆

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In this issue:
Development Update
Blockchain Projects Ranking
Lisk Hub 1.0 Release Candidate
Commander Lead talks JavaScript
Our development team is working around the clock to bring Core 1.0 to Mainnet as soon as possible. Check out our latest Development Update to read about what we've been working on. 
Once again, Lisk was rated as one of the best blockchain projects by Darpal Rating. Check out the full ranking and methodology below.
The release candidate for Lisk Hub 1.0.0
is out! Head to our GitHub repository to download and try it out on Testnet. 
Shusetsu Toda, Lisk Commander Lead, talks to JAXenter about the importance of JavaScript in blockchain development.
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Zug, Switzerland