Friday, August 17, 2018

Elastos Weekly Updates — 17 August 2018

"The gifted man bears his gifts into the world, not for his own benefit, but for the people among whom he is placed; for the gifts are not his, he himself is a gift to the community."


—Henry Ford

One week until One Year.

Elastos has a lot coming.

Let's recap.

Technical Dynamics

Kiran Pachhai (KP Woods) writes about the Elastos End to End Demo App and technology behind it

The Elastos testnet is officially open for public use. If you are a developer, you can now view our repositories on GitHub. More information can be found here:

Please check out our Github links:

Elastos Community

Elastos Community Global


Community News

The Elastos Web Wallet has been upgraded to allow for ERC20 addresses to be linked. The Bit.Game Airdrop is scheduled for August 21, please make sure to link your ERC20 address in the Web Wallet by the deadline. A guide can be found here:

The Elastos Infographic contest has come to an end and we would like to thank all of the participants for their fantastic contributions. Stay tuned for further updates.

Cyber Republic

Elastos Alpha: End to End demo app

Elastos Alpha: How to Build End to End Demo App

Keep up to date with Cyber Republic, now on Github and Youtube



August 10/11

Feng Han was a speaker at the 2018 Global Media Blockchain Summit at UCLA.

August 11

On the Xue Ba Shi San Mei's live stream show, Elastos Part II, Feng Han gave a second speech called, "My gains and losses from investing in Ethereum." When asked, "How do we determine the value of cryptocurrency?" he replied with four key things to look for.

First, does the cryptocurrency have a concept that appeals to people from around the world? For example, the smart contract of Ethereum, and the decentralization of Bitcoin.

Second, is the founding team really driven, are they dedicated for long term success?

Third, is the project trying to solve pain points in related industries?

Fourth, is it capable of building a global community in the future? The size of the community helps determine the price of the cryptocurrency in the next bull run.

August 12

Elastos Founder, Rong Chen, attended Elastos' ecosystem collaboration partner, ioeX's Shanghai meetup. ioeX, whose technical infrastructure is under the supervision of Elastos, is building a decentralized peer-to-peer network based on existing servers and smart devices. With the interconnection between nodes, ioeX network combines distributed network node transfer with a blockchain ledger to record the node transfer and storage amount in order to solve the problem of high transfer costs caused by software updates that traditional smart device manufacturers face. Eventual merged mining with Bitcoin will guarantee decentralized storage and make the whole IoT network more secure and reliable.

August 14

Nick Sowsun and Clarence Liu talked about Elastos and Cyber Republic at Toronto University, North York.

Rong Chen was a guest on Episode 4 of Token Tank. Panelists: Crypto Candor, Blockchain Brad, Crypto Lark and KDUB discussed with Rong the need for a decentralized internet and carrier and how Elastos plans to execute their delivery via merge mining, hardware devices, IoT, and how they plan to move beyond TCP/IP structures to build a whole new decentralized information architecture and network.

August 16

KP Woods (Kiran Pachhai) hosted the Elastos Virtual meetup, where he recapped events from the past few weeks, answered some key questions raised by the community and discussed information about the Elastos Anniversary Event. Link to post Video Recap:

Events and Meetups

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Elastos is hosting its One Year Anniversary Event, August 24-27th.

Bangkok, Thailand




Washington DC






Community Contributions

Blue Collar Crypto picked Elastos as one of his top 3 coins to watch in August

Elastos Interview Series

This week's interview is with team member Donnie Bullers

Why don't you introduce yourself?

D: My name is Donnie Bullers, and unlike KP, I don't have a cool nickname, but I can share I was a Microsoft MVP in the XBOX division around the same time when Rong's was at the company and my username was Silentscope. This period of time was high school for me and sparked my interest in cutting edge technology. At an early age I was active in a small diverse group of people from all over the world participating in testing an online network that would shape the future of gaming. I can really relate this period of my life to where I am today, once again participating in a group who will shape the future of the internet. I'm a laid back coastal North Carolina native who has spent most of my career at a Digital Marketing Agency and most of my life engaged in technology.

How did you become aware of Elastos?

D: Like many others, I first became aware of Elastos through NEO. It was during the San Francisco meetup held in November of 2017 that Rong Chen immediately caught my attention. I was amazed at his passion, and I left wanting more.

Tell us about your role at Elastos and how it has evolved.

D: At Elastos, I am known as a Marketer. While the title of the position has not changed, the role certainly has over time. In the beginning, I was an enthusiastic community member who was ready and able to assist in any way possible. Whether it was putting together slides for meetups, reviving the Instagram account, or adding a graphical touch to the weekly updates, I was involved. I've since moved on to running a design team, website management, assisting public relations, working closely with the international team, and more.

What are some of the plans for the marketing team in the West?

D: Six months in from the international crowd sale, Elastos remains relatively new to the world outside of China and our team plans to change that! From branding to public relations, we have put processes in place and signed with agencies who will greatly enhance both our efforts and exposure.

We are fortunate to have a passionate international team outside of China who are tackling the challenges we face today while planning for the successes of tomorrow. Elastos is an enormous project and we understand that it will require a solid marketing foundation in the West to propel future growth.

Western marketing is strongly driven by branding and this is why we have spent several months working through the story and identity of Elastos. You will notice the name "Elastos" has not changed, and the logo has seen a upgrade, but pay attention next week because we will look a lot different.

Regarding the rebrand, it seems clear that the name and the logo are remaining relatively the same, so can you tell us what will be new?

D: Elastos is the new Internet, and like the internet of today, it is known without being known. You will use Elastos, you will need Elastos, and Elastos will be everywhere, but what is the secret that will make this happen? The answer… Cyber Republic.

To gain the traction necessary to obtain usage levels only Elastos will achieve, we need to fire up the thrusters and allow Cyber Republic to launch, and we have news for you, we are ready.

Next week, half of the genesis ELA are going to Cyber Republic, a massive operation plan is ready to be announced, and a brand will come alive. Elastos will temporarily be rebranded to support the inception of Cyber Republic. Our team will continue to build a brand around Elastos, and the focus of this branding over the next several months will be to popularize Cyber Republic.

Can you expand on these new developments? Also, you mentioned you are working with a top agency, can you tell us who?

D: As eluded to previously in how my role has changed, much of the reason for this transition has been due to marketing developments. First, we have built a very talented Design Team of 10 designers from all over the world with backgrounds ranging from UI/UX to product/automotive 3D sketching. This group has enhanced our day to day graphics, been crucial during the Cyber Republic branding, elevated our exhibit imagery, and are preparing for future product design.

Second, we are finally ready to reveal the amazing Cyber Republic website and branding next week. We have worked closely with a top level agency to create something truly special and can't wait to show it off.

Third, we are thrilled to announce that Elastos is working with a leading professional services agency in the blockchain industry. We have recently signed on with Wachsman and will hit the ground running in coordination with the Anniversary Event next week.

These three are only the tip of the iceberg for where we plan to take marketing and PR over the next year. Exciting days are ahead for Elastos.

Finally, what do you do to relax?

We live in a fast paced world these days, always connected, never turned off. Working in blockchain is no exception. That is why I need balance in my life, and that balance comes from living in the South.

I'm a family man who likes his Carolina BBQ (vinegar based, not sweet) and ice cold sweet tea. Fresh biscuits in the morning and a day at the beach is where you will find me when I'm not buried in work. In the South we like to take it a little slower than most, and I'm cool with that.

Thoughts and Conclusions

The internet was constructed as a global collaboration, a mission to create a beautiful vessel that would take mankind across networks and networks of invisible seas. This was our guiding light for years. But the world has become dulled to this vision.

The truth is, this vessel has holes, it has leaks, and it has been slowly sinking before our eyes. If the internet is a ship, then it is high time we had a mutiny.

The world is starting to awake to the notion that the internet desperately needs a renaissance, an enlightenment of new ideas. Those ideas have started to emerge all over the world, and it is time to allow anyone with talent and determination to put them into action.

Next week, at our One Year Anniversary, we will officially be launching Cyber Republic.

Cyber Republic is a place to allow the gifts of each individual to be placed among the whole, and to ultimately, allow each individual to share the gift of themselves.

Sometimes, in the spirit of history, we must be unafraid to walk together as one people, to join together, and this is one of those moments. Whether you join our project or join another's, if you make it your mission to build a better, more inclusive, fairer and safer ecosystem for the world, you are helping all of us. All we can do is offer a space for those who can truly help build our new world.

This is not a revolution, but an evolution.

Cyber Republic is a Declaration of Independence. Independence from exclusion and an invitation of inclusion. It is declaring independence not from each other, but from all of the separateness and divisiveness that is so prevalent and seems to grow louder and louder in our world.

But this loudness is hollow.

We believe people want to join together. Want to participate. Want to create something beautiful in this world. We are not exclusive. We are not rooting against anyone else. We want to bring the best developers and the best people into our world so it can someday accommodate the whole world. We want to scale this vision with all of humanity. To install our scaffolding with smiles and to ignite the fire and passion in people to not think little but to think big, to think globally, to think of the future. Our vision is for a self sustaining ecosystem built by people from every country and for people of every country. To watch borders disappear and to watch actual connection reappear in their place.

If you want to join us, to join Cyber Republic, all you need is a computer, or a phone, and your own good ideas. All you need to do is want to help create something big.

We believe that there needs to be one country, one society, one place on this Earth, where anyone can go, where anyone can contribute, where anyone can be valued, and where anyone can have power, regardless of who they are or what they look like or where they live, and we believe that this country needs to be online.

For if there is one country that we all need, it is the internet.

If this seems radical, it's because it is. But really, its radicalness is what gives it its truth.

We cannot retreat individually any longer. We must begin to build together.

We invite everyone: developers, organizers, artists, politicians, people from all walks of life, in every city, in every country, and we invite any other blockchain project. All you have to do is contribute.

The ability to shape the new internet is now your right. Those of us who have started to do this are grateful and honored to be part of it. We are all pioneers to this new country. We are all welcome. This is the story of a diversity of minds creating remarkable achievements that could not be done singularly. This is what open source and new power means. There are many projects that have emerged in this century that exemplify the phenomenon of shared human knowledge. People contribute for the sake of contributing and getting the information right. People join a community where they can actually feel that they belong. People want the best for humanity and they want the best for themselves.

Cyber Republic is a large scale project designed to share in the world's talents and reward them for it. You are rewarded with this new world's native currency, ELA. This is the evolution of the idea of a country. To not only invite the entire world to join together, but to reward the world, to celebrate the world, to not fear our differences, but to utilize them. What other country can say that…but a country that is online?

The internet is the unique home for such an idea. It inherently has all of the requirements for a global country, and now, with Elastos' even more unique infrastructure, we believe it can work.

We cannot let the network that was designed to serve us become centralized and left with a failing infrastructure that cannot support our future. We have to work together to heal the internet and give it back to people. Our project starts with the people who help us do just that. You can be one of them.

This is an open invitation to take the internet into the next phase in its evolution. To build a safe internet. To build a decentralized internet. To build an internet where data ownership is a fundamental right. This is Cyber Republic.

Onwards! Upwards! Elastos!

Copyright © 2018 elastos foundation, All rights reserved.

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