Thursday, August 9, 2018

This Week in Technology Review - Week of August 6

MIT Technology Review
This Week in Technology Review
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Week of August 6
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Business Impact
AI can now tell your boss what skills you lack—and how you can get them
Coursera is unveiling a new machine learning tool to show companies what skills their employees are acquiring from its classes and their level of expertise.
Photo of person working on laptop.
Popular this week
Magic Leap's headset is real, but that may not be enough
It's taken years of work and billions of dollars in venture funding to build a working mixed-reality headset for developers. Now what?
An Airbus drone has set the record for the longest continuous flight within Earth's atmosphere
New York City has hit Uber with a cap on new cars
The Defense Department has produced the first tools for catching deepfakes
Fake video clips made with artificial intelligence can also be spotted using AI—but this may be the beginning of an arms race.
Facebook wants banks to hand over customers' financial information
The owner of the New York Stock Exchange is jumping head first into cryptocurrency
Pump-and-dump hucksters are playing crypto investors for fools
Ford is deploying exoskeletons in 15 of its factories around the world
Ontario is axing its test of universal basic income
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