Thursday, August 23, 2018

This Week in Technology Review - Week of August 20

MIT Technology Review
This Week in Technology Review
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Week of August 20
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Business Impact
The simple but ingenious system Taiwan uses to crowdsource its laws
vTaiwan is a promising experiment in participatory governance. But politics is blocking it from getting greater traction.
Popular this week
Facebook and Twitter have taken down hundreds of Iranian accounts that attempted to mislead users
This company embeds microchips in its employees, and they love it
Last August, 50 employees at Three Square Market got RFID chips in their hands. Now 80 have them.
Nvidia is using AI in chips to make video games even more realistic
Google just gave control over data center cooling to an AI
In a first, Google is trusting a self-taught algorithm to manage part of its infrastructure.
Baseball players want robots to be their umps
Spiders Ingest Nanotubes, Then Weave Silk Reinforced with Carbon
Spiders sprayed with water containing carbon nanotubes and graphene flakes have produced the toughest fibers ever measured, say materials scientists.
The world's biggest plane now has its own high-capacity rockets to launch
How to get Google to stop tracking your location for real
Investors have staked $70 million on Sila Nano's upgrade for lithium batteries
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