Friday, September 14, 2018

Week 37: Five Bullet Friday. dPOW is adopted by another project. 

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Five Bullet Friday

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 Week 36 

Want to win 100 KMD? Here's the deal... our infographic contest is running and has a grand prize of 5,000 KMD. It's open to anyone with creative skills. We'd like your help to share it so we're offering up five prizes of 100 KMD to people who help. If you'd like to be in with a chance to win then we have ten ways you can help including daily entries, which will help you to increase your chances of winning. Click here to take part.


Komodo's first 'Tech Tuesday' update goes live on the website. Things move fast at Komodo Platform. That's why the Komodo team has decided to release a weekly briefing to cover all of the progress the Dev Team is making. This series of posts is called the Tech Tuesday Updates.


Einsteinium adopts Komodo's Delayed Proof Of Work as a security solution. "We have chosen Komodo's Delayed Proof Of Work (dPoW) as the solution. It increases security tremendously. Using it, every N-th Einsteinium block will be recorded in Bitcoin's chain and remain there permanently. Those blocks will act as the guardians for the whole EMC2 network." Click here to Einsteinium's post


Argo Blockchain Adds Komodo And Horizen To Its Mining Platform. Both were added to the Argo platform following strong customer demand and were bench-tested for efficiency, the company said. Read the full article here.


Verus has got Agama mobile up and running! And some interesting chat in Discord highlighting the value of a project like Verus feeding their tech back into the ecosystem. Read Mike's tweet here (he's one of the Verus devs).

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