Friday, September 28, 2018

Week 39: Five Bullet Friday. We need your feedback on 24 infographic submissions...

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Five Bullet Friday

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 Week 39 

Take a look at these 24 submissions that have been made for the Infographic Contest. 

The first round of feedback has finished and our team has left feedback, however, we need you and the community to tell us what you think. 

PIRATE chain created.

With dPoW it is likely the most private coin in all of crypto, secured by bitcoin's hashrate. Read Satinder's notes on PIRATE chain. 


Komodo Ecosystem Spotlight: Verus Coin

Verus Coin is one of the most fascinating projects to have leveraged Komodo's technology. Let's learn more about this innovative project in this blog post. For more information read a summary of our recent AMA with Mike from Verus Coin.

Our third Tech Tuesday is up and ready for you to read!

This week covers private transaction mining pool opens, OTC trades, bounty to port solidity to Komodo, tokens, gateways, oracles and a rhetorical question. Read Mylo's notes.

Over 75,000 $KMD in bounties of all sizes up for grabs in the jobs section!

If you are a developer or graphical designer be sure to check it out the Komodo's Influencer Network (KIN).


Thank you for being a part of our community. 

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