Sunday, October 7, 2018

Week 40: Five Bullet Friday. Komodo Establishes Relationship With University of Texas at Arlington.

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Five Bullet Friday

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 Week 40 


A collaboration with the University of Texas at Arlington.

Dr Sajib Datta, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UTA, is leading the efforts on behalf of the University. As a leader in the blockchain space, Komodo Platform has always been a strong supporter of educational outreach and blockchain-related events. Read the announcement here.


Community voting closes on Monday for the Komodo infographic contest.

You can vote by retweeting, upvoting and leaving comments on the posts which you think are the best, Don't forget to share your thoughts and tell us why you think they should win! After the voting closes we'll pick the finalists and give feedback before a final vote. Scroll up on this tweet to see them all and visit our main Reddit post for links and comments.


Agama Wallet goes mobile on Android.

If you're on Android then you'll be happy to find out Agama Mobile v0.1.0 is now available for download. Let us know what you think! Agama Android wallet version 0.1.0. supports over 57 different crypto coins and assets including BTC, BCH, KMD, CHIPS, LTC etc... click here to be taken to Agama Mobile Github.


Roses are Red
Thorns are Prickly
Chaturbate accepts $KMD
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Tech Tuesday Update #4: A Summary Of Last Week's Development.

  • Agama released with new privacy project coin "Pirate".
  • Welcome HUSH to bitcoin level security with Komodo dPoW.
  • What is zk-SNARKs (zero knowledge) from Verus Project.
  • Creating your own fiat gateway and StableCoin in testing.
  • Blockchain virtualization in a docker container became easier.
Read the full article here.

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