Thursday, November 1, 2018

#100: Why Vitalik is trying to fade into Ethereum’s background

Dreams of decentralization
MIT Technology Review
Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and why they matter
11.01: Dreams of decentralization

Welcome to Chain Letter! Today’s is a special edition, live from Prague, where the Ethereum’s idealistic community has gathered for its annual developers conference, Devcon. Ambitious plans to upgrade Ethereum’s protocol have dominated the discussions so far this week. But close behind have been conversations about the unique social challenges Ethereum faces, particularly how to address complicated technical challenges without sacrificing the community’s prized decentralization. We managed to get some time alone with Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin to discuss its future—and his part in it.

When you ask him about the challenges facing the blockchain system he founded five years ago, Vitalik Buterin often launches into a rapid-fire lecture full of Ethereum-specific jargon. But ask him about his own role in the technology’s future, and he quickly becomes more circumspect.

There’s no doubt that Buterin is still the guiding light for the idealistic community that has sprung up around his creation. That’s been front and center in this week in Prague. The most popular discussion topic is the 24-year-old’s vision for “Ethereum 2.0,” a future iteration meant to be capable of operating efficiently at a much larger scale—and appeal to a much broader user base—than it can today. But in a conversation with MIT Technology Review on the sidelines of Devcon, Buterin says it’s time for him to start fading into the background. This change is “a necessary part of the growth of the community,” he says.

Why? Put simply, a truly decentralized system has no single component whose failure could bring down the whole system, and that’s arguably what Buterin’s historically outsized influence over decision-making represents. But that’s changing, he says. This is partly due to the community’s natural growth, he says, but also thanks to a deliberate attempt to reduce his prominence. “I think people are kind of really feeling that,” he says, citing Twitter chatter he’d seen after Devcon’s first day. “There was even one comment that explicitly said that like, wow, it seems like the community is actually working together and isn’t just relying on a few people being in charge.”

Indeed, already “(Buterin) is out of the decision-making in a lot of ways,” said Hudson Jameson of the Ethereum Foundation, a nonprofit that supports the development of the Ethereum protocol, during a discussion at Devcon focused on how the community can get better at making decisions collectively. “That’s something that I think is really really important for the ecosystem to thrive and become more decentralized.”

The transition comes at a critical juncture for Ethereum, whose developers are struggling to overcome a number of complicated technical obstacles they believe to be standing in the way of its more widespread adoption. Topping the to-do list is an ambitious plan to transition away from proof-of-work—the energy-intensive process that Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other similar blockchain systems use to achieve agreement among network participants that the information they stored in their blockchains is valid. For years, Buterin has spearheaded a research project aimed at developing an energy-efficient alternative to proof-of-work, based on a different algorithm called proof-of-stake.
He’s also played a leading role in conceiving of new methods called sharding and plasma, which would let the network handle much larger transaction volumes by letting users execute certain transactions without having to write every single one to the blockchain. (Ethereum can process only about 15 transactions per second, whereas Visa handles an average of 2,000 transactions per second, and has the capacity to handle tens of thousands.)
All these improvements are meant to be featured in Ethereum 2.0, the specifications for which Buterin has been instrumental in writing and finalizing. Nonetheless, he says, his involvement in the project has amounted to “a significantly smaller share of the work than I had two or three years ago,” adding that downsizing his influence is “something we are definitely making a lot of progress on.”


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Loose Change

Fill your pockets with these newsy tidbits.

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+A mind-bending cryptographic trick promises to take blockchains mainstream. (TR)

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The Money Quote

The nation state is a technology like any other, and that technology is beginning to show its age. And we should be having this dialogue about how we can do better.”

Ethereum core developer Lane Rettig, during his talk Wednesday at Devcon. Rettig thinks perhaps decentralized systems like Ethereum represent an alternative model.  

Mike Orcutt
We hope you enjoyed today's tour of what's new in the world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Send us some feedback, or follow me @mike_orcutt.
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