Friday, November 2, 2018

Announcing Lisk's Bug Bounty Program! ⛑

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Lisk is an open source project and our community has been instrumental in making our network as secure as it is. To reward and encourage future contributors we have just started our official Lisk's Bug Bounty Program. The more eyes on the code the better!
The past two weeks have been very busy for our frontend and backend developers. You can learn more about the progress of our product suite in our latest Development Update. Once again, we were ranked as one of the best blockchain projects in terms of code quality. Check out the latest issue of Darpal's Rating.
Watch the second episode of our newest format: Lisk Monthly. Community Manager Jedrzej will walk you through what happened at Lightcurve in October.
This week marked the 10th anniversary of the release of Bitcoin's Whitepaper. Head of Marketing Thomas and Business Developer Anastasia were interviewed by Deutsche Welle and shared their thoughts on the progress of blockchain technology development. Play the video to watch a short excerpt from Thomas' segment.
Along with the release of Lisk Core 1.0.0, our developers implemented a transaction memo field that lets you to send a note with each transaction. Impressed with our community's ideas, Tech Evangelist Rachel decided to present some of the projects that have sprouted thanks to the new feature.
The team behind Lisk's development is continually growing. Four new team members joined Lightcurve yesterday: Altay (Mobile App Developer), Osvaldo (Frontend Developer), Xana (Motion Designer) and Philip (Senior Content Marketer). Check out our latest job postings to see where you fit in.
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Lisk Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 11
6300 Zug

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Performance Marketing Manager
DevOps Engineer
Backend Developer