Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lisk's New Development Roadmap is out! Learn how to contribute

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At Lisk, we always strive to stay transparent and true to our mission of making blockchain accessible. That's why we are thrilled to announce the release of Lisk's Development Roadmap which outlines each step towards our production Sidechain Development Kit, a fully functioning blockchain application platform. Head over to our blog to read about our new roadmap and click the video play button to hear from Lisk Co-Founders, Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows.
Along with the release of the Development Roadmap, we are introducing the Lisk Improvement Proposal Process. LIPs form a proposal system that will allow for an open discussion on how to develop the Lisk network. We prepared a detailed blog post and video explaining the process for you.
We're also thrilled to announce that Lisk token can now be traded on KuCoin and Cobinhood. You can also track your LSK portfolio on BitUniverse mobile app. 
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Gubelstrasse 11
6300 Zug

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