
A patient in my town went to the doctor last week and said: Doctor, Doctor!... I'm scared of Santa

After much analysis, the Doctor responds: Duh! You're obviously suffering from Claus-trophobia

Just kiddin' πŸ˜œ

But — if you have any good (...and preferably dirty) Christmas jokes, hit reply and let me know.

You might be winding down for the holidays... but that doesn't mean I am going to stop sending you Loom Updates πŸ˜‰

In fact...

1. LOOM Tokens are now available on Coinbase Pro!


Exciting news.

Despite the tremendous progress we've made in the last year, Loom is STILL fairly new.

...and someone like Coinbase recognizing our work is flattering.

If you missed the announcement, please...

πŸ‘‰ Read all about Loom being available on Coinbase Pro

Also, I know I am a bit late, but I finally got ya video replays of...

2. Practical Plasma Gaming & Plasma Cash Talks from Devcon4 πŸ“Ή (VIDEO REPLAY)


Devcon4 is already over... in fact, it was held in Prague almost 2 months ago.

During Devcon4, our CEO Matt and Lead Plasma Researcher (and all around handsome bastard) Georgios gave two of the most popular talks at the event.

...and if you've been paying attention to my updates — I've been promising you video replays of the presentations for a while. 

Well, my friend — today, I have some great news.

I got ya video replays of BOTH TALKS for your enjoyment. 

Here you go:

  1. πŸ“Ί Watch Practical Plasma: Gaming by Matt (~30 Minutes)
  2. πŸ“Ί Watch Plasma Cash: Towards improved Plasma constructions by Georgios (~30 Minutes)

I recommend that you watch both talks.

Feel free to speed it up to 1.5x to save some time πŸ˜‰

...also, as promised, here's the first edition of...

3. PlasmaChain Validator & Staking Economics (Part 1)


Economics is a tricky subject.

...and a few weeks ago, I mentioned that we were working on a series of articles explaining the economics of staking and being a validator on PlasmaChain.

This is the first iteration.

If you have a background in economics (or have studied the topic extensively), I'd love to get your feedback as well.

Either way, please feel free to...

πŸ‘‰ Read how PlasmaChain Validator economics works

Those are all the major updates πŸ™‚

πŸ’‘ By the way, we are almost ready to release Zombie Battleground to the public. In fact, we made some short trailers (in English, Chinese, Japanese & Korean) to get the party started. Also, Neon District's R&D game Plasma Bear will soon be released on our PlasmaChain. Finally, version 2.0 of Loom SDK was also released last week. 

Happy Festivus Comrade!

Until next time...

Your friend,


P.S—I found this insanely cool Kaleidoscope called a Novascope. If you are into that sort of thing, you'd appreciate it πŸ˜‰