Monday, December 31, 2018

Elastos Weekly Updates —28 December 2018

Elastos Weekly Update - December 28

This week Elastos released the Elastos EcoWallet (aka Elephant wallet) that supports several coins in addition to ELA, while Cyber Republic made an important announcement as we head into 2019. 

Looking for a recap of the past year ? Then look out for our end of year report coming in January. 


Wallet Release: 

The Elastos Ecosystem Wallet that was researched and developed by the Elastos Foundation Developer Team is online.

Download and try it out here:

Features of The Elastos Ecosystem Wallet

1 . Supports several coins issued by Elastos ecosystem partners 
2. Comments added to ELA transfers are recorded on the blockchain, allowing the 
recipient to see it directly 
3. When receiving funds, you can enter the value to request, similar to Alipay

Check out the latest Cyber Republic Weekly Report here: 

Weekly Report – Dec 24th 2018

December 20

Elastos co-founder and MIT Blockchain Pillar and Foundation founder Feng Han was a guest on NetEase Blockchain Xiakexing WeChat group. Feng shared his personal views on the current state and future of the industry. Feng Han believes that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Elastos are establishing the basis for the next-gen internet. The so-called next-gen internet, or the decentralized internet, will be able to protect privacy and data rights, will be able to transform data into wealth, and will bring humankind into a new era of wealth.

December 22

At the Elastos Meetup in Shijiazhuang, Elastos co-founder Feng Han, Elastos Hebei Ambassador Zhi Piao, BiteTT Director Yu Qing, ELA Chat Director Mingming Liu, Elastos Supervisor of PR, China, Cheng Hao, and Jiawei Chen of Elastos Community Operations all attended the event to give presentations.

Let's rock 2019! Happy New Year to the whole Elastos Community!

Next Posts

Elastos EcoWallet Released
Elastos Weekly Updates - 21 December 2018
Elastos Mainnet Node Update Announcement
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