Hey you.

Want to let ya know that...

Loom PlasmaChain is going to be Interoperable with Cosmos Hub Soon!


This is a big deal.

You see, Cosmos mainnet is going to launch, and when that happens, we are going to build a token bridge between Loom's PlasmaChain and the new Cosmos Hub.

You should stop playing around and...

👉 Read about How Loom PlasmaChain will be Interoperable with Cosmos Hub



We'll be attending Binance Blockchain Week — in Singapore from January 19-22 so if you are in the neighborhood, we'd love to high-five you. 

I'll have more updates for you in two weeks!

Until next time...

Your friend,


P.SHere's a quick summary of Ethereum in 2018. You might find it helpful.