Friday, March 1, 2019

Cardano Community Newsletter - March 1, 2019

Welcome to the Cardano Newsletter!

Published by the Cardano community team every two weeks, this newsletter will provide you with news, updates and events about the project! If you would like to unsubscribe from the Cardano newsletter, you can do so by clicking "unsubscribe from this list" at the bottom of this email.

Upcoming Cardano 1.5

In the latest episode of the Cardano Effect podcast, David Esser, Duncan Coutts, Ravi Patel, Charles Hoskinson and Neville Freeman from IOHK joined in to discuss the upcoming Cardano 1.5 release. Watch the episode to learn details on the upcoming release, how it's going to happen and how this update will affect exchanges. 
Read the summary and watch the episode here

Join us at the IOHK Summit

The IOHK Summit will be happening on April 17-18 in beautiful Miami, Florida. Project members from across IOHK, Emurgo and Cardano Foundation will be coming in for this big event and we'd love it if you could join us! adaPay has also been enabled - If you are purchasing your ticket with ada, you will get 20% off the ticket price!
Get your tickets

Learn More about Cardano

We've said it before and we'll say it again. Cardano has an amazing community! Markus and Robert from the community have created an education hub on Cardano called Clio.1. On this website, you can find lessons on how to write Plutus smart contracts. They will soon be posting an overview of the Ouroboros family, with more lessons to come!
Head to Clio.1 Education Hub

Emurgo's Newsletter

Emurgo is the official commercial and venture arm of the Cardano project. They work to drive the adoption of Cardano and add value to ada holders by building, investing in, and advising projects or organizations that adopt Cardano's decentralized blockchain ecosystem. Stay up to date on their efforts by subscribing to their newsletter! 
Subscribe to Emurgo's Newsletter here

Be Aware of Scams

As cryptocurrencies gain popularity and blockchain technology grows, so do the number of scams. Cryptocurrency scams continue to multiply online despite the vigilance of users and we are no exception. We have seen scam Daedalus apps, fake Cardano social media accounts or private messages impersonating members of the project. This is a friendly reminder to all of our community members to stay vigilant across any of the Cardano community channels. 
Read more on 'How to be Safe' on the Forum

Upcoming Meetups

In New York City, there was a Cardano meetup which coincided with the launch of dLab, a startup accelerator and venture studio, powered by Emurgo and SOSV. Members from Emurgo presented at this meetup as well as Nathan Kaiser, chairperson of Cardano Foundation, who answered questions on the Foundation collected from the Cardano Reddit. 

Read the meetup organizer's recap on the Cardano Forum here


Nothing in your area?

See if a group already exists on our page and connect with the local organiser!


Start your own Cardano meetup group? Learn more


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