Friday, March 29, 2019

Elastos Weekly Updates —29 March 2019

Elastos Weekly Update - March 29

This week the Elastos core teams prepared for our hybrid consensus of AuxPoW+DPoS going live, with PoW merged mining opening to everyone and the 12 CRC supernodes participating in DPoS consensus. In the coming weeks, a complete guide on merged-mining will be released. 

Let's recap.

Main Net Upgrade Announcement

The Elastos Blockchain Team is upgrading the main net node from March 29th – 2:00AM UTC to March 30th – 10:00AM UTC (32 hours).

During this upgrade process, the web wallet, SPV and Elephant wallet, blockchain browser and sidechain services will be suspended or unable to update data. After the upgrade is completed, the related services will return to normal functionality.

Upon completion, the consensus mode on Elastos main net will be changed from AUXPoW that enables merge mining with BTC to AUXPoW+DPoS.


  • Currently porting and implementing SPV Wallet plugin; Android version has been transplanted according to the original SPV interface;
  • The Carrier plugin is verified on iOS and works fine. There are still some problems in the session part that need to be improved;
  • Reviewed and refined the Trinity application isolation model and implementation, and constrain plug-in behavior according to the model;
  • Standardized and improved the format and content of dApp packages to prepare for DID signatures;
  • Compiled the Linux and Mac versions of SPV to sign the DApp package;
  • Provided a new interface on Runtime for the plugin to get the data directory of the dapp and detect if there is access to the specified directory;
  • Improve the Xcode build script and automatically add "Code sign on copy" to the framework;
  • Combined the function list of Launcher and new modules to plan new UI/UE design;


  • Completed standard IPFS-based fuseApp application to Hive platform; support Linux/Mac platform, added documentation;
  • Started unified Hive Storage Native API interface design;
  • Performed Hive Cluster test network performance test and test data collection;
  • Performed Hive Storage API interface design, and the design of Java binding;


  • Optimized the Carrier Native code and fixed some minor bug;
  • Fixed a conversion issue between Java String and Native strings (mainly in the tests module);
  • Released a new version of Carrier Native release-v5.2.3;
  • Released a new version of Carrier iOS release-v5.2.2 and released Elastos CarrierSDK to the Cocoapods platform for developers to use;
  • Updated the DittoBox iOS repository that now uses the Pod method instead of the Carrier Framework dependency;
  • Started automated test cases for writing offline messaging features; Next step is to implement the verification test, and wait for the Hive storage backend test to pass before it is officially released;

DPoS testing and deployment 

  • Tested arbiter mining with new keystore, and cross-chain transfer function;
  • Regtest network deployment DPoS version, verify deployment plan and upgrade compatibility of each node;
  • Performed multiple rollbacks on Regtest to verify the status of each node before and after H1;
  • Conducted stress testing, cross-chain testing of multiple mining nodes;

DPoS function improvement 

  • Designed and reserved a DPoS network direct connection buffer for 12 CRC nodes to transition to community election nodes;
  • Arbitrator now uses a unified keystore to provide outbound services for sidechains;
  • Optimized and improved DPoS anomaly recovery strategy;

SPV C++ module 

  • Added support for extended keys; Can now import HD cold wallet;
  • Now fully compatible with web wallet various types of keystore (HD, HD read-only, multi-sign, multi-sign read-only) import;


  • Completed Token sidechain blockchain browser information display and Beta environment server deployment is online.

Check out the latest Cyber Republic Weekly Report here:

Participate in the Cyber Republic forums at All logins are linked to your Cyber Republic login, this includes the forums and, in the future, your Elastos DIDs.

The Elastos Blockchain Team is excited to announce that the delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) component of our hybrid consensus is prepared to go live. Once fully live, we will have successfully installed our complete hybrid consensus algorithm. Read  more about it here:

The Elastos DMA 1.0 Beta iOS SDK is complete.

Check out Rong Chen's March 13th panel talk at Token2049 in Hong Kong.

Watch Rong Chen's interview with Dushan Spalevich for

Feng Han will be a speaker at the second edition of the Penn Blockchain conference 2019 with some of the biggest projects in blockchain. For more information:

Next Posts

Financial Report
March 22 -Updates Weekly Elastos 2019
Elastos Mainnet Node Update Announcement
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