Thursday, March 28, 2019

This Week in Technology Review - Week of March 25

MIT Technology Review
This Week in Technology Review
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Week of March 25
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Business Impact
Europe's copyright dispute shows just how hard it is to fix the internet's problems
The EU has just passed the Copyright Directive: now small sites and tech giants alike will have to deal with the fallout and recriminations.
Popular this week
India says it has just shot down a satellite in space
The pioneers of deep learning have won the Turing Award
Nearly all Bitcoin trades are fake, apparently
Watch two astronauts take a spacewalk to give the ISS a power upgrade
Russia wants to cut itself off from the global internet. Here's what that really means.
The plan is going to be tricky to pull off, both technically and politically, but the Kremlin has set its sights on self-sufficiency.
Boeing sold two safety features on its 737 Max planes as "extras"
Microsoft just booted up the first "DNA drive" for storing data
How malevolent machine learning could derail AI
AI security expert Dawn Song warns that "adversarial machine learning" could be used to reverse-engineer systems—including those used in defense.
The US wants to send astronauts back to the moon by 2024
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