Monday, March 11, 2019

What, no bitcoin?

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March 11, 2019

SAMSUNG REVEAL: The new Samsung Galaxy S10 will store ether and ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens through the company’s Samsung Blockchain Wallet app, according to a new report from CoinDesk Korea. Bitcoin, which has appeared on Samsung promotional materials, is not supported at launch. The Samsung Blockchain Wallet app can only be downloaded from the Samsung Galaxy Store, and will only be accessible through S10 devices. At launch, four dapps are also supported: Enjin, Cosmee, CryptoKitties and CoinDuck. Full Story

‘GOOD’ MONEY: Cryptocurrencies could play a role in rebuilding the Venezuelan economy, says economist Aaron Olmos. The professor – who lives in the South American nation – told CoinDesk that the country’s economy is “a complicated situation” because while dollars and cryptocurrencies (“good money”) are available, residents do not spend either, despite the fact that goods and services are essentially priced in dollars, rather than in "bad" Bolivars. Full Story

LONDON CALLING: Investment management company Invesco is launching a blockchain exchange-traded fund (ETF) on the London Stock Exchange today. For the effort, Invesco has partnered with London-based Elwood Asset Management to launch the product that is designed to target companies with the potential to generate “real earnings” from blockchain technology. The ETF will invest in firms on the Elwood Blockchain Global Equity Index, which has a portfolio of 48 companies including bitcoin futures trading operator CME Group and online retail giant Overstock. Full Story

XRP ETP: SIX, the primary stock exchange in Switzerland, may soon list an exchange-traded product tracking the price of XRP, the third-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. Swiss firm Amun AG, which already offers several crypto-based ETPs, told CoinDesk that the company has received approval to list its XRP product, and hopes to roll it out within the next two months. Further down the line, Amun will also list ETPs tracking bitcoin cash, litecoin, stellar lumens and EOS. Full Story

$350 SHORT: Bitcoin is witnessing a minor pullback today of less than 2 percent, weakening the near term bullish outlook, but a number of long duration technical indicators including the MACD and money flow index are still showing early signs of a bullish reversal. To confirm a bullish trend change, bitcoin’s price would need to scale the Christmas day lower high of $4,236 in order to print its first weekly higher-high since late 2017. Full Story

BLOOMBERG: Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, who run the Gemini Trust crypto exchange, promoted the idea of a regulated exchange at SXSW this weekend, highlighting how investors in exchanges like QuadrigaCX lost funds due to the way the platform was operated and overseen, Bloomberg reports. Cameron Winklevoss explained that "at the end of the day it's really a trust problem. You need some kind of regulation to promote positive outcomes." 


FORBES: U.S.-based crypto investors will have to file their taxes within the next month, and any profits they make on their trades must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service, according to Forbes contributor Yoav Vilner. Vilner outlines a number of other factors investors must consider before filing their taxes, including the fact that bitcoin is classified as property at the federal level, though other cryptocurrencies have not been classified as such. 

ATOZ MARKETS: The Marshall Islands is moving towards the launch of its own national cryptocurrency called the Sovereign (SOV), AtoZ Markets reports. To that end, the country's government has partnered with Israel-based startup Neema to develop the coin and aims to issue 2.4 million SOV to the citizens of the islands, possibly by the second half of 2019. Neema CEO Baka Ben Ezer said the SOV is being designed to take into account money-laundering concerns from U.S. regulators.


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