Wednesday, April 10, 2019

This is what the U.S. Treasury wants you to know about crypto

Tickets to Consensus Increase in Price Soon
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The U.S. Treasury asked to give a speech to the industry so we—slightly nervously—said yes!

Hear from Under Secretary Sigal P. Mandelker, the nation’s top official overseeing financial crimes enforcement. Fighting money laundering, terrorism finance, levying sanctions — she’s in charge of it all.

Joining Under Secretary Mandelker on the agenda is another closely watched regulatory official, Commissioner Hester Peirce of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, who has shot to prominence in the digital assets world over the past year.

But first... Tickets increase in price on April 16th by $500. Register today and lock in those savings!
Sigal P. Mandelker
Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
U.S. Department of the Treasury

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as an exotic target for the Treasury. From sanctions on bitcoin addresses in Iran to dealing with Venezuela’s Petro, America’s top financial crimes official must grapple with these issues unique to our time.

Under Secretary Mandelkar will give a speech about what the cryptocurrency and blockchain world needs to know about U.S.sanctions and anti-money laundering rules.
Hester Pierce
US Securities and Exchange Commission

Digital asset advocates have found their champion in Commissioner Peirce over the past year. From the perennial question of a bitcoin ETF to defining whether tokens are “decentralized” enough, Peirce has voiced independent opinions that diverge from her fellow commissioners.

Commissioner Peirce will speak with Georgetown University’s Chris Brummer on regulating a new asset class and more.

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Space is limited.  

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