Thursday, May 9, 2019

$1 billion 'committed'

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May 9, 2019
HACK TRACKER:  A team at blockchain services company Coinfirm has been watching the erratic movements of the $40 million in bitcoin stolen in the latest Binance breach. The day after the breach, the hacker or hackers moved 1,214 BTC (worth $7.16 million) to new addresses and then moved another 1,337 “to 2 new addresses held by the hacker,” the firm said. Given the nature of the BTC blockchain it’s easy to see where each Binance bitcoin is going, but it is difficult to perform real forensics on the wallets in order to understand who, or what, created them. Full Story

IEO (ALMOST) COMPLETE: Bitfinex shareholder Zhao Dong, an over-the-counter (OTC) trader, says the crypto exchange has raised $1 billion for its upcoming exchange token sale, though some of these are in soft commitments and may not be final. Zhao did not break down what percent of total commitments are final and what isn't, but he did say that should any investors back out, the remaining tokens will be distributed to others on a first come, first serve basis. Full Story

BLOCKCHAIN REBOOT: JPMorgan Chase has quietly replaced the guts of the blockchain underlying its cryptocurrency, the JPM Coin. Over the last six months, technologists spread across London, Singapore and the U.S. have “rebooted” Quorum, the megabank’s private version of ethereum, said Oli Harris, JPM’s head of Quorum and crypto-assets strategy. The nitty-gritty effort was happening behind the scenes while the bank was out grabbing headlines with JPM Coin.Full Story

ADS REPRIEVE: Over a year after its outright ban, Facebook has further lifted some restrictions on crypto and blockchain-related ads. In an updated policy announced on May 8, the social media firm said ads involving blockchain technology, industry news, educational content or crypto events will no longer require prior written approval, while ads for crypto exchanges and mining services still need to go through a review process. Token sales are still prohibited, however. Full Story

KITTIES WALLET: Dapper Labs, the creator of CryptoKitties, has released a new Ethereum “smart wallet” called Dapper. The goal? To make crypto and crypto collectables easier to use. The wallet runs as a Chrome plugin and connects to crypto sites for payments and storage. “We’re building Dapper because blockchain is still too hard to access, use, and understand,” said Dapper CEO Roham Gharegozlou. Full Story
STAYING POSITIVE:  Bitcoin's bullish case is looking stronger with prices having moved above $6,000 earlier today. Further, the cryptocurrency’s dominance rate (market share) is now at 8-month highs. As a result, BTC could extend its rally to November highs around $6,500, although a brief pullback may precede the move, as indicators are signaling overbought conditions. Full Story​

CITY CRYPTO: The Irish city of Belfast plans to launch its own native cryptocurrency in partnership with blockchain startup Colu, according to a press release. The new Belfast Coin aims to incentivize “positive actions by residents,” as well as stimulate the local economy and “achieve environmental goals.” Technical specifics on the cryptocurrency were sparse, but the Belfast Coin will be awarded to residents for shopping locally, recycling, volunteering and engaging in other civic activities. 


'CRITICAL' TECH: Executives are becoming more pragmatic about blockchain tech and asking tougher questions, according to Deloitte’s 2019 blockchain report. The good news is they have moved on from wondering if blockchain will work to how can it work for them, the consulting giant says. Notably, it reveals survey results indicating that 53 percent of respondents said blockchain is now a “critical priority” for their organizations, 10 percent more than last year. Further, 83 percent see “compelling” use cases for the tech, a figure up 9 percent from 2018.

CITY SHUTDOWN: The U.S. city of Baltimore has had to switch off most of its computer servers after being hit by a ransomware attack demanding bitcoin, RTT News reports. The city’s new mayor said a ransomware virus is spreading across the City Hall's government servers and that the majority had been shut down as a precautionary measure. Emergency services are still operating, the piece adds.



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