Tuesday, May 7, 2019

WeChat Bans Crypto / Brave Browser Traction / Bitcoin Speculation / Winklevoss Twins

Inside Bitcoin presented by Vettery.
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$BTC (3:30 p.m. EST): $5,888.73 (1.97%) // 90-day high: $5,988.18 // 90-day low: $3,391.02 / / More

$BCH ABC (3:30 p.m. EST): $286.49 (-1.65%) // 90-day high: $342.87// 90-day low: $114.18 // More

$ETH (3:30 p.m. EST): $171.47 (7.02%) // 90-day high: $184.38 // 90-day low: $104.19 // More

$LTC (3:30 p.m. EST): $75.09 (-1.11%) // 90-day high: $97.50 // 90-day low: $32.88 // More

$XRP (3:30 p.m. EST): $0.30 (-1.02%) // 90-day high: $0.36 // 90-day low: $0.28 // More

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1. Chinese social media and messaging app WeChat has banned the use of cryptocurrency. In an update to its privacy policy, WeChat said that users who engaged in cryptocurrency trading through in-app payment channels would have their accounts terminated. This could have an effect on the local bitcoin liquidity as most over-the-counter transactions happen via WeChat. Binance CEO CZ Zhao believes that it was not WeChat's own choice to implement the ban as China has attempted to eradicate cryptocurrency trading through regulation and it may have been forced upon them. -COIN TELEGRAPH

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2. Brave, a web browser that pays users in cryptocurrency, has become the third most downloaded mobile browser app on Android. Brave gives users of the platform an ad-free experience while allowing them to tip content makers such as Youtube creators, Twitch streamers, and bloggers in its native cryptocurrency, BAT. It currently sits behind Firefox and Chrome respectively in terms of the number of downloads. The founder of Brave, Brendan Eich, coincidentally also founded Mozilla in 1998 which created the Firefox web browser. -CRYPTO SLATE

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3. From The Forums: Jeff Morris Jr, the Head of Product at Tinder, tweeted, "As the price of Bitcoin crossed $6,000 & the community gets excited, crypto's primary use case so far is speculation." David Nage responded by saying, "The real community doesn't have their excitement pegged to the price as platforms are being built and released to support it." Do you lean more toward Jeff's sentiment or David's? Hit reply and let me know. 

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4. Starbucks has partnered with Microsoft to track its coffee through the supply chain on an Azure hosted blockchain. Starbucks is bringing digital, real-time traceability to its supply chain for a system that will track its product from "farm to cup." Starbucks sources its coffee beans from over 380,000 coffee farms and this feature will allow consumers to view where its coffee was sourced and roasted. Starbucks hopes it will be able to benefit their coffee growers too by providing them with location data on where their coffee ends up. -COIN DESK

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5. The Swiss Stock Exchange has ruled out trading cryptocurrency because of the lack of transparency between buyers, sellers and the origination of the coins. -BITCOINIST

6. The crypto markets are surging toward a $200 billion market cap as bitcoin, EOS, and Tron lead the way. -NEWS BTC

7. A leading software enterprise company, VMware, partnered with QEDIT, a blockchain security company, to implement data privacy solutions across their blockchain networks. -FORBES

8. Currency.com has tokenized government bonds and will offer them to both institutional and retail investors. -TECH CRUNCH

9. Residents in Zug, Switzerland are using the blockchain to trade excess solar energy. -GLOBAL CRYPTO PRESS

10. Japanese Content Token (JCT) increased 700 percent, rising from $0.045 to $0.362 in a two-hour period. One exchange posted 41 percent of the volume, which raised questions of price manipulation and wash trading. -CRYPTO NEWS NETWORK

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Written and curated by Darren Webb. He created Currencylists and has worked in marketing roles for a multitude of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects since 2014. Based in NYC, Darren loves to read and continue to learn about cryptocurrency and emerging technology in his spare time. You can find him on Twitter @Dwebbny.

Editing team: Kim Lyons (Pittsburgh-based journalist and managing editor at Inside); Susmita Baral (senior editor at Inside, who runs the biggest mac and cheese account on Instagram); and David Stegon (senior editor at Inside, whose reporting experience includes cryptocurrency and technology).

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