Friday, June 14, 2019

Cardano Community Newsletter - June 14, 2019

Welcome to the Cardano Newsletter!

Published by the Cardano community team every two weeks, this newsletter will provide you with news, updates and events about the project! If you would like to unsubscribe from the Cardano newsletter, you can do so by clicking "unsubscribe from this list" at the bottom of this email.

Roadmap Announcement

Last week, IOHK released the completely redesigned Cardano roadmap. It charts the progress towards the Cardano 2020 vision and will be regularly updated with new functionalities and project as it evolves. The roadmap was first launched to be optimized for web browsers, but a mobile-optimized version will be rolled out over the next few weeks.
Read the Roadmap Announcement

News: Blockchain Talent Shortage in China

With Cardano Foundation's support, the IOHK China team was invited to the International Fintech Innovation Conference (IFIC) in Sanya, China. It is here that we learned about the current talent shortage in China's blockchain industry. As such, IOHK is in discussions with Chinese universities to design and implement a Haskell language training course. This is one of the few educational initiatives we are involved in around the globe.
Read more here

Emurgo Progress Update Video

In this video, Florian Bohnert, Chief Marketing Officer, shares the latest on Emurgo's commercial developments within the Cardano ecosystem. Learn about Yoroi, their ADA crypto cards and more. And be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel!
Watch the Progress Update Video

Ada Adoption in Japan 

At the end of June, there will be a launch event to announce the introduction of Cardano ada cryptocurrency payment at Yakiniku Tamura, a barbecue restaurant chain in Japan. The chain is owned by Kenji Tamura, a Japanese TV celebrity and comedian who supports blockchain technology, and will be a step forward in cryptocurrency adoption in the country. 
More info on Tamura here

Upcoming Meetups

RSVP to these events! 

15 June, Taichung, Taiwan Ada Experience
25 June, NYC Cardano Meetup: Getting ready for Shelley and Goguen
27 June, Washington, USA, Cardano Blockchain Meetup 
4 July, Taipei, Inaugural Cardano Meetup

Nothing in your area?

See if a group already exists on our page and connect with the local organiser!


Start your own Cardano meetup group? 
Learn more here

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