Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Libra Global Regulators / Libra Partner Doubts / ECB Libra Details / Swiss Welcome Libra

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Welcome to Inside Libra, our newsletter dedicated to Facebook's new and potentially game-changing cryptocurrency. Has the announcement and the pending launch of Libra given you more confidence in the cryptocurrency industry as a whole? Do you think that Facebook Libra will have the snowballing power to bring mainstream adoption to cryptocurrency like many predict? Hit reply to this email and let me know, I'd love to hear your view! - Darren

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Market Watch: Bitcoin is up 20 percent in the last 24 hours! Ethereum is up almost 14 percent as it closes in on a $40 billion market cap.

  • Bitcoin: $13,736.16 (⬆️ 13.92%) // $244.25 billion market cap.
  • Ethereum: $351.46 (⬆️ 13.35%) // $37.48 billion market cap.
  • XRP: $0.48 (⬆️3.52%) // $20.54 billion market cap.
  • Litecoin: $135.32 (⬇️ 1.79%) // $8.44 billion market cap.
  • Top 100 Winner: Elastos: $5.08 (⬆️ 27.37%) // $79 million market cap.
  • Top 100 Loser: Dent: $0.0019 (⬇️ 21.64%) // 141 million market cap.

Prices are as of 4:15pm EDT.

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1. Facebook Libra will be watched closely by global financial authorities. Randal Quarles, the chair of the Financial Stability Board, which coordinates financial rules for G20 countries, said, "A wider use of new types of crypto-assets for retail payment purposes would warrant close scrutiny by authorities to ensure that they are subject to high standards of regulation." Facebook met with the FSB to discuss Libra, but it was a general discussion and Facebook did not delve into details. It should be noted that Libra is not on the official agenda for this week's G20 Summit in Japan but it is hard to imagine it won't be talked about. - REUTERS

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2. Partners and regulators have doubts about Facebook Libra. 27 of the partners who were announced with the launch of Facebook Libra signed nonbinding agreements and have not paid the $10 million fee yet required to run a node on the network. Many were skeptical to join the project run by Facebook because of its past history with data collection and breaches. Jerome H. Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said, "I think that our expectations from a consumer protection standpoint, from a regulatory standpoint, are going to be very, very high." - NEW YORK TIMES

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3. European central banks want more details on Facebook Libra. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said that Libra should not be seen as a replacement for traditional currencies. Le Marie said, "It is out of the question that Libra become a sovereign currency, it can't and it must not happen." The Financial Conduct Authority stated there wasn't enough information regarding Facebook Libra, and they will need to share more information with regulators regarding the project before getting the green light to launch in the European Union. - REUTERS

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4. Swiss central banker Thomas Moser and his Swiss banking peers are relaxed about Facebook Libra. Moser who is an alternate member of the governing board at the Swiss National Bank said about Facebook at the Crypto Valley Conference, "I think it's an interesting development and I'm pretty relaxed about it. They have clearly indicated that they are willing to play according to the rules, they have been contacting the regulators." - COIN DESK

Swiss Central Bank Relaxed About Libra
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 5. From The Forums: @QuickBiskat asked on Reddit, "Does Facebook Libra Coin really even matter?". There were some well thought out answers by the community.

@cryptoparody - " Objectively speaking, Facebook is in a good position to create a ecosystem with some of the largest corporations in the world. Imagine if this works without any hitches. The long term vision of what they plan to accomplish will establish Libra as PayPal 2.0.

I believe the masses will want a haven that's more private and will look to Bitcoin. As for some of the alts, I don't know how well they may do long term, especially if Bitcoin's adoption and scaling improves, Libra banks a lot of unbanked individuals and the governments figure out how they can navigate the permission and permission-less blockchain landscapes.

Just some thoughts, don't slaughter me for being objective."

@kidtwiz responded with - " Since 2008, FB has acquired 80 companies (according to Wikipedia) ranging from back end advertisement firms to some cutting edge AI start ups. Earlier this year they acquired the ChainSpace team, I've never heard of this coin and have yet to look at there documentation so I'm not going to share my opinion on the team or project. They've also yet to release a Whitepaper and doubt they ever will because according to there website, they have moved on to something new. According to the ChainSpace website the network was capable of smart contracts and used DAG tech to scale the network with POS for consensus, but enough about this project.

My main point I'm trying to get at here is that FB has acquired the talent to completely spearhead crypto adoption to billions of people. For example: Imagine browsing through your Instagram feed and seeing an ad for a new flashlight (lmao idk) with a big button on the ad yelling "PURCHASE NOW FOR 69 LIBRA." Simply press the button and boom a brand wanking new product is being shipped your way.

Using smart contract coupled with ads, purchasing the shit that is shilled to us every day will be ever so simple. Of course, integrating Libra into WhatsApp is a no brainer for transacting value between people.

I'm terribly high rn and I don't want to type anymore, sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, but I think if FB gets past the regulation and the initial pushback it will start the crypto integration we've been waiting for.

also f*** FB"

@bluefoologo stated the obvious, "You owe an idiot friend money and he wants it on WhatsApp because he thinks Bitcoin is Buttcoin? No worries, transfer your crypto to Libra and send it off.

Your other idiot friend owes you but doesn't have Bitcoin. Sends you Facebook coin and you transfer into crypto.

This will also help us when buying at Coinbase, Gemini etc. Instead of waiting, should be easier to put money into Facebook (or who knows we all may be paid there someday) and then transfer the money into what you want, cryptocurrencies that are decentralized.

I can't see enough of the benefit of this. What am I missing?

From The Forums: Libra
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6. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse is a fan of Facebook Libra. Garlinghouse stated at Fortune's Brainstorm Finance that Facebook's Libra announcement caused more banks to seriously consider using the company's xCurrent banking payment software to assist with transferring money across borders. - FORTUNE

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7. Scammers are targeting crypto and Facebook Libra fans with fake websites. There is where visitors have the option to swap ethereum for ZBUX, an ERC20 token which can be used to do absolutely nothing. Someone also created, calì, a copy of Facebook's, but the scammers used a grave accent for the ' ì ' to trick visitors. - COIN DESK

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8. Ben Mezrich, the author of the Winklevoss-twins inspired "Bitcoin Billionaires" book, said Mark Zuckerberg launched Libra to troll the Winklevoss twins. Mezrich said, "Can we just mention one thing? How insane is it that Mark Zuckerberg launches Libra right after the Winklevoss twins launch Gemini? Do you really think that's a coincidence? Is it the ultimate troll going on right here?" - CRYPTO CURRENCY NEWS

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9. Bitcoin reached an 18-month high since the Facebook Libra announcement. Analysts say that Facebook's announcement legitimized digital currencies in the eyes of investors. - REUTERS

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10. The head of the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Felix Hufeld, wants regulators to develop standards ahead of the official launch of Facebook Libra. Hufeld said, "We certainly can not just watch. We will have to respond appropriately in any way. I can only hope that we will succeed in developing at least European, if not globally, basic standards." - COIN TELEGRAPH

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Written and curated by Darren Webb. He created Currencylists and has worked in marketing roles for a multitude of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects since 2014. Based in NYC, Darren loves to read and continue to learn about cryptocurrency and emerging technology in his spare time. You can find him on Twitter @Dwebbny.

Editing team: Kim Lyons (Pittsburgh-based journalist and managing editor at Inside), David Stegon (senior editor at Inside, whose reporting experience includes cryptocurrency and technology), and Bobby Cherry (senior editor at Inside, who's always on social media).

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