Monday, July 15, 2019

Consensus Asia is now Invest: Asia

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The market has spoken, and we’re excited to announce that this September’s Consensus: Asia event in Singapore is being rebranded and refocused as Invest: Asia. Here’s what happened. 

The goal of any Coindesk event is to bring people together around the industry’s most relevant, topical global conversation content. As we began building the agenda, it was clear that the topics at the top of everyone’s mind were investing, markets, and exchanges - in other words, the topics that make up the bread and butter of our Invest events. 

What’s more, there is no escaping just how big a role Asia plays in today’s crypto markets. Whether it’s the advent of exchange tokens, the importance of Asian OTC desks, or unusually clear-eyed regulatory regimes, more and more are coming to the conclusion that, as investor Kyle Samani put it recently on Twitter: “East is leading West in real world crypto adoption.” 

We’re making this shift to Invest: Asia to keep the content and conversations tightly focused around the clearly expressed interests of our community, as well as the broader trends shaping this market. 

So what does this mean for Invest: Asia attendees? Simple: more of what you’re most excited about. If you’ve signed up and have questions, feel free to shoot us a note at If you haven’t signed up yet, pop over to the website to check out more about the event. Finally, for those excited about these topics but who can’t make it, the conversation continues with Invest: New York in November. 

Keep your eyes peeled for more announcements on Invest: Asia soon. See you in Singapore.  
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