Friday, August 23, 2019

Static HTML Wallets, AtomicDEX progress, and a Crypto 101 podcast interview

Komodo Newsletter
August 16, 2019

-- The Komodo Dev Team is still working on nSPV technology and perfecting static HTML wallets. Once finalized, this will be a huge step forward for the entire blockchain industry. It will also allow AtomicDEX to easily scale to millions of users, as marketing making nodes will be able to run superlight nSPV clients for all of the blockchains they want to provide liquidity for. 

-- AtomicDEX is still moving forward. Testing and development is on-going and the Komodo Dev Team is preparing to progress the AtomicDEX from its current closed beta phase to an open public beta stage, in which anyone will be able to download and start testing AtomicDEX without registering or receiving an invitation.

-- The Komodo team is also working on a GUI for software that will allow traders to easily become market makers on AtomicDEX. Market makers pay no fees (except ordinary transaction fees charged by each blockchain) and they can take advantage of the liquidity multiplier feature to place numerous buy orders with the same funds. Once a single trade order is accepted by a peer, all other trade offers are automatically cancelled. This marketmaking software will ensure that AtomicDEX has ample liquidity as the app scales up.

-- Komodo CSO Steve Lee sat down with Bryce and Pizzamind from the Crypto 101 podcast for a lengthy interview about how Steve found his way into the blockchain industry, the origins and vision of Komodo, and what makes Komodo a different breed of platform compared to other projects in the space. Check out the Crypto 101 podcast with Komodo CSO Steve Lee here.


"When I first joined Komodo, we had a very limited website, there was no messaging, limited documentation. The major motivating factors behind doing a rebrand is not just from a marketing angle. People get confused because you see, a lot of times in this industry, where a rebrand means, hey, this is a good time for me to invest, this is a good time to go in and see some price action. For us, it was a totally different motivating factor. For us, it was, at that time, people had an understanding of Komodo as a privacy coin, which we no longer were. And the other issue was that we never really had a real marketing organization. So, the rebrand itself, I don't want people to misunderstand and think that this is only a new logo, some new graphics, and a new visual identity. It's much more than that."   -- Komodo CSO Steve Lee

Listen to the full Crypto 101 podcast with Komodo CSO Steve Lee here.

On August 22, Utrum officially launched the Utrum Platform application. 

"Utrum is a one stop center for your crypto research based on unique community consensus." -- Utrum Official Twitter Account

Check out the Utrum Platform app here

Chainzilla recently partnered with Pundi X.

"Recently, Pundi X integrated its module into the Verifone X990. This is an important development because this payment processor is compatible with both cryptocurrency and traditional payments. ... That means that a seller can process crypto payments alongside other Visa and Mastercard payments, it's all in one device.”   --  Chainzilla CEO Charles Gonzales

Read the full announcement on CoinTelegraph here and follow Chainzilla on Twitter to learn more.

RedFOX Labs continues to work towards major partnerships.

"So how [RedFOX Labs] works is that we come up with a concept, we find a locally-based team, we then give 20% of the equity to that particular team, give the the idea, give them the tech, help them go to market, and then we retract ourselves after 200 days."  -- RedFOX Labs CEO Ben Fairbank

Read the full blog post on the RedFOX Labs site and check out the interview with Crypto Rich and Ben Fairbank here.

The HUSH Coin team is holding a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament.

"This is the First HUSH CSGO CUP 2019. (Max 16 Teams) 1st Place: 2.000 Hush + 27.777 KMD.  2st Place: 1.000 Hush + 17.777 KMD.  3rd Place: 750 Hush + 7.777 KMD."  -- HUSH Coin Announcement

Learn more about the HUSH CSGO tournament here.


That's all for this week. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend.

If you're not already signed up for the AtomicDEX beta, go ahead and register now by clicking the button below. You'll have to enter the email address associated with your Google Play or Apple App Store account, depending on which type of phone you use. Sign up now to start making atomic swaps!
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