Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A more secure way of transmitting information

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December 2-3, 2019
Cambridge, MA

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Featured Session: 
Securing Lines of Communication

Sophisticated cyberattacks are forcing governments, militaries, and businesses to explore more secure ways of transmitting information.  

Quantum key distribution could be crucial to securing data for years to come. How does this mechanism work, and is it safe?

Join us at Future Compute, as John Prisco, CEO and President of Quantum Xchange, explains how key distribution is being used to prepare enterprises for threats today, tomorrow, and in the future.

The morning primer session offers a baseline understanding of the technology behind quantum computing, followed by an executive overview of its implications for business in the future. Topics will include: 

  • The state of quantum computing technology
  • Research funding
  • Policy implications
  • Where to watch for early advancements and game-changers by industry
  • Preparing a quantum workforce
  • Key milestones expected in the next 5 years

Hear from industry and academic experts on the current state of quantum computing, real-world applications of the technology, and opportunities for future disruption. Purchase your ticket today.  

John Prisco

CEO and President, Quantum Xchange
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