Friday, October 4, 2019

The World's First Web Browser Environment Atomic Swap

Komodo Newsletter
October 4, 2019

-- The Komodo team continues to focus efforts on AtomicDEX. This week, the Dev Team announced the very first atomic swap executed from a purely web-browser-based environment, which is a huge milestone. While AtomicDEX is already a cutting-edge product that provides an extremely high level of security, the web-browser version of AtomicDEX will be even more secure. This is true because the web version of AtomicDEX will run exclusively on the client side, meaning no data or information is ever transferred to or relayed through AtomicDEX servers. 

-- Progress continues with regard to AtomicDEX on several other fronts. The marketing team is preparing an update to the AtomicDEX site, which is currently a simple one-page product display site. The update will include refreshed visuals, sharper messaging, and additional pages, such as an AtomicDEX blog. The goal is to develop AtomicDEX as a sister brand, rather than a child brand or a sub-brand, of Komodo. Progress also continues on market maker tools, on the desktop version of AtomicDEX, on integrating new assets, and on finding partner projects to provide liquidity or integrate the atomic swap protocol via the AtomicAPI.

-- Google made huge news this week when it claimed to have achieved "quantum supremacy." This development prompted some to ask what quantum computing may mean for blockchain. Komodo is pleased to remind the community that Lead Dev James 'jl777' Lee developed a module capable of providing quantum security in March of this year. This quantum secure digital signature scheme, known as Dilithium Quantum Security, was developed by researchers at IBM for a research initiative that began at the NIST. jl777 simply took the open source code, added it into an Antara Module, and now it's an option available to every project that builds a Smart Chain with Komodo.

-- This week, Komodo was listed on Cryptwerk, a company that allows users to pay with crypto for a wide variety of goods and services. That means you can now use KMD to pay for items at more than 170 different stores, including everything from clothing and electronics to art and internet services, like web hosting. 

-- Komodo Marketing Manager Audo Kowitz will be speaking at an event in Helsinki, Finland next week on October 8. The event, organized by Konsensus, a Finnish cryptocurrency organization, was partially sponsored by the Komodo Pioneers and will focus on atomic swap technology. Audo will explain what atomic swaps are, why they are so important, and showcase the AtomicDEX application to the audience. Attendance is free. Learn more about the event here.


"The Komodo Team is pleased to present to you the world's first purely web-browser environment executed atomic swap! This means that we will eventually be able to offer users a web-based AtomicDEX application which runs natively in a web-browser without any external binaries or applications, thus making AtomicDEX available to pretty much all operating systems, platforms, and devices. Expect to see a dex.komodoplatform or web.atomicdex soon, which will basically offer you all the key features of AtomicDEX mobile. This also means that the user data, private keys, etc, will always remain on the client side and at no time will any sensitive data be transferred or stored on AtomicDEX servers. When a user visits the web-DEX URL, the AtomicDEX application will be loaded into the client/browser and will then operate purely client-side in a fully decentralized and blockchain-based fashion. Special thanks to the AtomicDEX core developers and blockchain architects Artem P. (known as @artem.pikulin) and Artem G. known as (@artemciy_dice) who turned a vision into reality, as well as Lead Dev James 'jl777' Lee and the rest of the Komodo Dev Team. Exciting times are ahead!"   -- Komodo CTO Kadan Stadelmann


RedFOX Labs releases a Q3 Quarterly Status Report.

"On June 22 of this year — a virtual eternity ago in the blockchain industry — our project celebrated its chain’s first birthday. And since then, a lot of activity occurred here at RedFOX headquarters."

Read the full RedFOX Q3 Status Report here.

Verus Coin releases a new wallet with patches to minor privacy leaks.

"Upgrade to Verus Wallet v0.5.9... [it] includes Zcash privacy fix, announced a few days ago for Verus and supports the Verus multi-chain testnet - make, use, exchange, and merge mine your own blockchain and currency today!"

Download the latest version of Verus Wallet here.

Pirate Chain gets feature-length coverage on Altcoin Trader's Handbook.

"PirateChain was conceptualised within the Komodo Discord and launched in August 2018 as an independent blockchain within the Komodo asset ecosystem... it is 100% private, with transparent transactions unable to be made on the network."

Read the full article on Pirate Chain here.

Utrum CEO Sri Panasa does a long-form interview with The Daily Chain.

"Our goal is to make Utrum, the number one place for crypto research. If we do it, it means we are catering to $200 billion industry. We wish to become Facebook for cryptos."

Read the full interview with the Utrum CEO here.

Chainzilla builds a white label wallet for Dune Network.

"Dune Wallet v1 is now available for both iOS and Android! You can now use Dune Wallet to receive and send DUNE tokens."

Check out this tweet from Dune Network for the download links.

Komodo community member Bart van Maarseveen will present dPoW in Amsterdam.

"I'm proud to present & discuss the strong security for Multi-Chain environments by using delayed Proof of Work (created by Komodo Platform) at the Hard Fork Summit in Amsterdam on Tuesday, October 15."

Learn more about the Hard Fork Summit event here.


That's all for this week. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend.

If you haven't already downloaded AtomicDEX, click the button below to get it from Google Play for Android devices.
Download AtomicDEX
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