Friday, November 1, 2019

A Recap & Rundown of the AtomicDEX Stress Test

November 1, 2019
Updates & Developments

-- The AtomicDEX stress test was held yesterday, on October 31, from 12pm to 6pm GMT. The test provided the Komodo Development Team with an enormous amount of valuable data about potential bottlenecks in the networking layer, and will help the Komodo team perfect AtomicDEX in the upcoming months. Up to 2000 simultaneous traders tried to perform atomic swaps at the same time, while the infrastructure was scaled down to identify breaking points under high load. During the 6 hour test, over 100 traders completed an atomic swap. The Komodo team would like to thank all participants for their commitment and support during the first AtomicDEX stress-test. The winners will be announced soon and the KMD prizes will be sent soon after.

-- Komodo published a long-form post on decentralized exchanges. The post is an objective analysis and technical comparison of the top 8 DEX protocols in the blockchain industry today. See the full DEX analysis here.

-- This week, KMD was listed on Travala, a cryptocurrency-friendly hotel booking service. is now accepting KMD as a form of payment, along with other major digital currencies, such as BTC, LTC, ADA, and BNB. Read this announcement for more details.

-- Komodo Business Developer Jason Brown attended the World Crypto Conference in Las Vegas this week. Jason ran a Komodo booth at the WCC Mine 2019 event, promoting Komodo's Antara framework and the AtomicDEX Beta. Check out this tweet to see a photo of Jason and the Komodo booth at WCC.

-- Komodo Lead Dev James 'jl777' Lee published another new blog post this week. This most recent post is titled "Multichain Decentralized Cashier For Gaming." Read jl777's full blog post here.

-- An in-depth development analysis of Komodo was published this week by third-party analysis site Code Coin Cap, a site that ranks blockchain projects according to their activity on Github. Komodo's development analysis has lots of great data and informative graphics. View the full report here.

A Word From The C-Suite

"The Komodo team, especially the developers and QA experts, would like to thank all participants for their commitment and support during the very first AtomicDEX stress test, which was primarily held to collect backend, network, and DEX-protocol metrics during a period of an extremely high network load and dynamic orderbooks.

This is a high-level transparency report to summarize the events, results, and details of this test.

We executed the stress test with minimum underlying hardware infrastructure, which resulted in network layer failures during the unexpectedly huge load peak of ~2000 simultaneous traders. This delivered essential data and metrics to the Komodo team that will now allow us to optimize the swapping process by refactoring the protocol - i.e. the networking part (rebroadcasting, routing client connections and orders, etc.).

AtomicDEX's current networking model does increase the load with the growing number of network broadcast messages and it can thus sometimes lead to an unpleasant experience, as in the case of a "network bottleneck" where only a limited number of trades go through. Over 100 testers were able to successfully execute swaps during the stress test.

We'd like to highlight how important this stress test in a limited environment is for the developers and engineers at Komodo. Our experts will optimize the affected layer over the coming weeks and as soon as the DEX is ready for a full-scale test (with multiple trading pairs and automatic spam clients) we will announce the details. The next test will have a bigger prize pool and focus on the general trading experience, as opposed to the load-test focus of this most recent test. 

Thank you for your time and participation to help us perfect the DEX system."  

Komodo CTO Kadan Stadelmann
Komodo Ecosystem Updates

Chainzilla was a finalist in a regional Seedstars competition. 

"We're happy to announce that we qualified as a finalist for most innovative startups in Panama."

See this tweet more for more information.

The Hush Coin team is looking for beta testers and bug-hunters.

"We could use some help testing what will become our newest Hush release! If you can compile software (any OS) OR are able to install Debian packages, please help us test! 100 HUSH bounty to anybody that can do a full sync or if anybody finds an issue."

Begin testing by downloading the latest version of the HUSH software here.

Pirate Chain is collecting community donations to integrate z-address functionality to AtomicDEX.

"We have 140K ARRR donated for Z AtomicDEX integration bounty. thank you all that donated. if you can spare some ARRRtoshis, the donation address for this is zs1zcvuz4gf826yp8trncj9l86a6xracrf2jk8lwz5v6xz7zntgmgahwrxw9rxu9jtthscex4aanpe ."

Join the Pirate Chain community on Discord to learn more.

Utrum is giving away 500 KMD in a new OOTER of the month contest.

"We are happy to announce OOTER of the Month Contest for November 2019. Members can write reviews, make predictions, create insights or publish reports."

Learn more about the OOTER of the month contest here.

RedFOX Labs is finding ways to succeed despite Southeast Asia's talent shortage.

"Southeast Asia's Internet economy is on pace to reach $300 billion by 2025. Google's 2019 'e-Conomy SEA' report forecasts a 200% increase over the region's $100 billion in online spending this year."

Read the full blog post on the RedFOX Labs blog here.

Komodo is partially sponsoring Block Party Amsterdam, an event on November 7th.

"Komodo sponsors Block Party Amsterdam! Komodo Platform has introduced the industry's first open, composable Smart Chain platform & we'll be announcing a key speaker for the event from the Komodo team very shortly."

Learn more about Block Party Amsterdam here.  Register for your free tickets here.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
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