Monday, December 9, 2019

Elastos Bi-Weekly Updates —06 December 2019

Elastos Bi-Weekly Update – 06 December 2019

In the last two weeks, Elastos Ethereum Sidechain went live to the public, Alex Shipp joined the Cyber Republic Interim Council, Rong Chen and several teams answered AMA questions and the Elastos Roadmap was updated. 

Let's recap. 

Elastos Browser (Trinity)
– Improved the User Interface of Wallet DApp and DPoS Voting DApp
– Implemented intent on Wallet DApp to obtain the wallet's address
– Development of DID DApp's multi-identity and DID-related intents
– Created Prototypes of Wallet, AppManager, DID, Carrier and Hive to facilitate JS / TS development in Trinity
– Packaged and released Typescript Prototypes related to Elastos service as NPM package
– Updated Carrier Demo DApp based on Typescript Prototypes
– Brought Trinity CLI to Windows and provided related usage documents (WSL)
– Trinity CLI now supports Debug Build for development and Release Build for release
– Completed Trinity Guides documentation on the developer website
– Completed the documentation of the API permission system
– Completed the intent profile which is supported by Trinity

– Improved DIDStore initialization process and supported resolve-only mode
– Native SDK now supports the connection and parsing with DID-Sidechain
– Swift SDK now supports the connection and parsing with DID-Sidechain
– Java SDK now supports recovery DID from mnemonic and VerifiablePresentation

– Hive Swift SDK-v5.4.2 is updated and released due to XCode upgrade
– Completed the development of functions for Native SDK except for data encryption/decryption
– Developed Hive Java SDK which implements the latest version of the interface
– Built standard IPFS service nodes used for the test

– Carrier Swift SDK-v5.4.4 is updated and released due to XCode upgrade
– Discussed and revised the Carrier-based Elastos Feeds service implementation (the original code PublicAccount was updated to ElastosFeeds)
– Implemented Elastos Feeds background service. At present, the response processing of JSON RPC has been completed.
– Implemented the Service Channel mechanism based on the Carrier message channel which could be used for data communication between the client and server of microservices

Main Chain
– v0.3.9 is released which fixes the bug that led to wrong voting statistics in some cases
– Built a performance optimization benchmark framework and finished data generation tools
– Added proposal opinion hash for proposal tracking transactions

ETH Sidechain
– v0.0.2 is released and opened mainnet P2P network
– Fixed the bug that couldn't compile geth on Windows system
– Compatibility testing for upgrading to Ethereum 1.9.7, finished unit test cases
– Prepared Ethereum/Hive test environment

Elastos Wallet
– v1.3.4 for iOS Platform is released which optimizes compatibility with iOS 13
– Tested new version and fixed found bugs
– Completed SDK development of proposal tracking transactions
– Optimized low-level startup speed

– Updated Elastos SmartWeb Roadmap

• Kicked off Companion Application development
• Deep dive presentation of Elastos Console (Nucleus)
• Implemented 3 services to Nucleus
• Discussed in detail the Elastos Nodes Architecture
• Began 2020 elastOS (Trinity) marketing strategy
• Trinity (elastOS) DID Portfolio app designs complete
• Bi-weekly developer email sent highlighting Deploy a Smart Contract, DID Wizard, and Gitella developer opportunity
• Added a developer to the Gitella project

The Elastos Foundation has selected Alex Shipp to join the Cyber Republic Interim Council. Elastos looks forward to his contributions to the CR Global community from a position of leadership.

Participate in the Cyber Republic forums at All logins are linked to your Cyber Republic login, including the forums and, in the future, your Elastos DIDs.

November 20

Feng Han gave a speech on blockchain data assets to group leaders at the National Energy Group in China.

November 22

Feng Han participated in the 5th Shanxi Small and Medium Enterprises Workshop -Blockchain and Business Revolution. He described the business opportunities in the blockchain industry in the 5G era, and demonstrated the transition from atomic wealth to data wealth.

November 23

Feng Han conducted the third live broadcast of the "Blockchain Wealth Cryptography-Quantum Ontology Initiate a Wealth Cognitive Revolution" on Zhongben Finance. He shared his thoughts on the change from the "production expansion" to the "transaction expansion."

November 26

The World Digital Technology Conference hosted by the Asian Blockchain Research Institute, Art Creation Times, Tokensky, and Brock Technology was held in Xi'an. The conference attracted a lot of media attention in the high-tech industry of Xi'an. The conference focused on high-tech technologies such as blockchain, the future direction of the digital economy, and China's economic development trends. Feng Han expressed his views on "blockchain-from atomic assets to data assets" in terms of policies, technologies, and applications.

November 30

Feng Han  participated in the World Digital Technology Conference in Shenzhen hosted by the Asian Blockchain Research Institute, Art Creation Times, Tokensky, and Brock Technology.

Next Posts

Cyber Republic Interim Council Update
Elastos Ethereum Sidechain Live For Public Use
Elastos AMA - November 2019
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