Monday, January 20, 2020

Elastos Bi-Weekly Updates —17 January 2020

Elastos Bi-Weekly Update – 17 January 2020

With the Cyber Republic Council elections in full swing, the Interim CR Council is now publishing summaries of weekly meetings and will be answering your questions in a community hosted CR AMA. 

Later this month Elastos will host a meetup in San Francisco as part of the SF Bitcoin monthly meetup. Be sure to RSVP if you can attend.

Let's recap.

elastOS (Trinity)
– Released the official version v1.0 for Android platform
– Collected bugs from community feedback after release and prepared a hotfix version. The current version is stable and available
– Started design work related to UI / UX adjustments
– Started using for crash reporting and analysis of elastOS dApps
– Unified built-in dApps and normal dApps in elastOS Runtime
– Upgraded dApps verification in elastOS Runtime with latest DID SDK
– Set the default language of elastOS to the system language
– Added intent for data signing with DID

– Improved Java SDK
* Support to change the password of DID Store
* Support for exporting mnemonics
* Added JSON-formatted certificate subject data support
* Added import / export support for DIDStore, which can export and import RootIdentity, DID, and Store
– Completed DIDStore format compatibility test between Native / Swift / Java version SDK
– Continued the development of Swift and Native SDK

– Optimized interface and structure design of new Hive Java SDK
– Designed new Hive Swift SDK interface
– Built standard IPFS Gateway service nodes and optimized memory resource usage

– Implemented and optimized Feeds back-end services, added test cases and validation command line clients
– Continued developing Trinity feeds dApp
– WebRTC over Carrier supported for point-to-point audio and video communication

– Released v0.4.1, fixed bug that may have caused some nodes to be out of sync
– Optimized unspent transaction cache through checkpoint
– Added RPC service level and node running policy configuration items
– Migrated dependency management to go mod
– Updated Travis CI test script

Elastos Wallet
– Android version is now open source
– Adjusted the rules of the confirmation number of transaction records. The transaction is now confirmed after 2 confirmations, and the user can spend their ELA right after

ELA Supernode Upgrade: Version v0.4.1
This version mainly fixed the issue of certain supernodes not synchronizing. For DPoS supernodes, please complete the node upgrade as soon as possible. Mining pool nodes are not required to upgrade.
The Release Note can be found at

ELA Wallet iOS version v1.4.1 Upgrade
ELA Wallet, the secure and convenient Elastos SPV light node client wallet has been upgraded allow participation in the CR Council election from within the wallet. The newest version contains the following upgrades:

1. Fixed all known issues.
2. Added CR Council election feature.
3. Optimized the DID Sidechain synchronization.
4. Revised the transaction confirmation status.

Before upgrading to the new version, please back up your wallet.
The election of CR Council will be based on the participants' DID. Please confirm that the DID Sidechain is turned on before the election.

Download link:

• Continued use and testing of elastOS while simultaneously developing Academy Companion application.
• Initiated next phase UI / UX Design Tasks and planning for elastOS.
• Set up ad accounts and reviewed updated promotional designs for elastOS.
• Assigned Git integration tasks for Gitella.
• Nucleus phase 1 design complete.
• Nucleus phase 1 development complete.
• Bi-weekly email sent to developers announcing the launch and ease of development on elastOS.
• Bi-weekly technical video updates coming to the developer mailing list.
• Chinese translation started for Elastos Academy website.
• Phase 3 update for Elastos Academy planning has begun.
• Academy Companion App in testing before release to elastOS.

The Community Managers will be fielding questions for an AMA with the present CR Interim Council members, Yipeng Su, Feng Zhang, and Alex Shipp, as well as CR Secretariat Rebecca Zhu. We ask that you submit only questions related to the operation of Cyber Republic in this thread:

The CR Interim Council is now releasing Meeting Minutes from its weekly conference calls on the CR Blog. Read up on relevant Suggestions, conflicting opinions, and policy considerations from Jan. 8:

The Inaugural round of Cyber Republic Council Elections has commenced. Read the full announcement to learn how to get involved in the formation of Elastos' community governance:

December 31

Feng Han was invited by the Hong Kong SAR Investment Promotion Agency to discuss Elastos.

January 8

Feng Han attended the first gathering of best-selling authors hosted by Machinery Industry Press.

January 12

Feng Han participated in the first Shaanxi Innovative Ideas and shared his thoughts on Blockchain-based National Wealth".

Feng Han said mentioned as follows, "Any improvement in human cognition has changed the traditional model of wealth conception, which has also greatly changed the status of human wealth."

Adam Smith changed the human mindset once. With the free market and the invisible hand in the market, people gradually realized that human beings need to create a lot of global wealth and credit consensus for a better free market which leads to an extremely prosperous financial market.

Today, the blockchain is destined to change the human mindset again, and start the next era of wealth consensus based on mathematical calculations. It is a new financial era that originated in individual big data.

San Francisco – Jan 29

This month Elastos will sponsor the regular SF Bitcoin monthly meetup. The Elastos ecosystem relies on Bitcoin for security and hashpower and Clarence Liu, VP of Development will be diving into some of the new tech and features being built on Elastos. To RSVP:

Next Posts

Elastos Bi-Weekly Update – 04 January 2020

elastOS: The Gateway to the SmartWeb, Released For Android Devices
Elastos DID Sidechain Upgrade and Java SDK Release
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