Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Less Than 24 Hours Remain: You Don’t Want to Miss This

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TICK, TOCK... ⏰ 

We are less than 24 hours away! Don’t be the last one to get the inside scoop about the breaking news that will be announced at invest:ethereum economy, taking place Oct. 14. With the impending launch of Ethereum 2.0 around the corner, the most important conversations about DeFi, Eth 2.0, staking and more will take place at this one-day virtual event.  
We will turn to leaders including Vitalik Buterin, CFTC Chairman Heath Tarbert, Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao and others to explore such questions as: 
  • Will the creation of a second chain result in two differently valued tokens?
  • Why will staked ETH be a novel financial instrument? What other financial tools will it unlock? What fate awaits the so-called “ETH Killer” chains in an Eth 2.0 world?
  • Is the hyper leverage and collateralization of DeFi creating an on-chain version of the pre-2008 financial system?

There is only one day left to secure your seat. Get your pass today.


Eth 1.0 has delivered many mind-boggling innovations – some by design, others out of necessity. With DeFi pushing the ecosystem, existing infrastructure is being maxed out. Can Eth 2.0 address these pain points? Is this the opportunity for so-called "Eth Killers"? We assess this critical fork in the road as Ethereum looks to level up.

  • Christine Kim, research analyst, CoinDesk
  • Michael Anderson, CEO and co-founder, Framework Ventures
  • Rune Christensen, CEO, Maker Foundation, and co-founder, MakerDAO
  • Illia Polosukhin, co-founder, NEAR Protocol

Composability. Interoperability. "Money legos." These concepts are thrown around ubiquitously in the world of Ethereum and DeFi, but they leave many outsiders scratching their heads. Aave's Stani Kulechov and Chainlink's Sergey Nazarov cut through the jargon and help us understand just what these concepts mean in practice, what advancements they enable and why they are critical to springboarding adoption.

  • William Foxley, tech reporter, CoinDesk
  • Stani Kulechov, CEO, Aave
  • Sergey Nazarov, co-founder, Chainlink


 The Fat Protocol thesis famously framed the opportunity of the Web3 stack and led an army of investors and entrepreneurs to their own “ah-ha” moments. Camila Russo revisits this hallmark work with its author, Joel Monegro of Placeholder Ventures, and explores his current thinking on Ethereum, DeFi and the Web 3.0 investment outlook. 

  • Camila Russo, founder, The Defiant, and author of “The Infinite Machine”
  • Joel Monegro, partner, Placeholder Ventures



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