Thursday, September 9, 2021

Join the CENNZnet Virtual Hackathon


Join us at CENNZnet for our 3-week virtual hackathon in partnership with Gitcoin. Dive deep into the world of decentralised apps (DApps), improve your skills and attend our exclusive workshops to help you on your way.

Dates: 8 September – 29 September

You can choose to spend as much time BUIDlLing as you want within 3 weeks!


1.CENNZnet NFT DApp Competition:
US$8,500+ in prizes
This is an open-ended challenge for you to develop a DApp that uses the NFT module.
Find out more

2. CENNZnet Browser Extension Bounty:
US$3,500 in prizes
Expand the functionalities of the CENNZnet Browser Extension so that it can serve as a complete wallet.
Find out more

3. Generative Art Bounty:
US$3,000 in prizes
With the sudden boom in digital art being sold as NFTs, the demand for programmatically generated art is increasing faster than ever before. Make your mark in the future of generative art.

Join the CENNZNet 101 workshop to get you up to speed on exactly what CENNZnet is, how the system works, and what you need to know to get started.
Tuesday, September 14, 11:00am - 12:00pm (NZST) 


2. Choose your challenge here

3. Click the Start Work button.

Happy BUIDLing!