Hey there, Insider -
Here is this week's chance to be featured in an Inside.com newsletter next week and say congratulations to last week's winners!
💻 Inside Tech: 32,800 weekly readers
What's the most helpful software or app you use on a regular basis?
Submit your answer |
🛠 Inside Startups: 84,000 weekly readers
How many people are working at your startup?
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📊 Inside Marketing: 10,200 weekly readers
Who's your company's target audience and target market?
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🧠 Inside Wellness: 15,100 weekly readers
Have you ever had an experience with your health that changed how you view the world?
Submit your answer |
Congratulations to last week's features: Shelly Houser (p/Shouser70), Anna Nadeina (p/anna-nadeina), Eric Koziol (p/erickoziol), Ayhan Ergezen (p/LivelyPencil), James Spurway (p/james-spurway), Jarie Bolander (p/jarieb), and Mehul Kamdar (p/kamdarmehul)!
Reply to this email if you'd like to submit questions for next week :) Can't wait to read your answers, Insider! ⭐️