Thursday, June 7, 2018

This Week in Technology Review - Week of June 4

MIT Technology Review
This Week in Technology Review
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Week of June 4
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Business Impact
The White House promises to release government data to fuel the AI boom
The president's most senior technology advisor claims the White House is quietly pursuing an aggressive AI plan.
Automation is hitting small US businesses, and—surprise!—it's not all bad
We talk about the future of work at small firms with MIT professor Liz Reynolds.
Microsoft's president says governments and Big Tech can get along
Brad Smith, who is also the company's chief lawyer, even suggested that America's antitrust laws could do with a broader interpretation.
Walmart's experimental Amazon Prime competitor aims for Alexa next
For recently launched Jetblack, text ordering is only the testing ground.
We still don't know much about the jobs the AI economy will make—or take
Experts think companies need to invest in workers the way they do for other core aspects of their business they're looking to future-proof.
Popular this week
Microsoft's throwing its servers in the sea to keep them cool
Small nuclear reactors—now with 20 percent more power!
Drones are flying over whales and collecting their snot
The secret to stopping the robot apocalypse? Popcorn butter.
Humans are still crucial to Amazon's fulfillment process.
Microsoft's $7.5 billion purchase of GitHub will provoke a developer backlash
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