THE FEATURE Crypto Bounty Hunting Is Becoming A High-Tech Way Out of Poverty Life used to be different for "Crypto Shaolin." Long before he was known by his current nickname, he'd follow tourists in the heat of central Africa, swinging an ice box and offering them a chilly bottle of Coca Cola or Fanta with a sugary smile to match. But as chipper as his demeanor made him out to be, Crypto Shaolin calls this past work "frustrating." Not only was it meager pay, he had ambitions to rival his role models Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. One of these drinks may have put him on that path, though, when by chance he passed a Coke to a man wearing a strangely worded shirt. Curiosity piqued, Crypto Shaolin asked what it was all about. After all, he'd never heard of "HODL" before. "[Crypto]'s the future," the man answered cryptically, adding, "are you here tomorrow?" |