Friday, July 20, 2018

CryptoWeekly #64

July 20, 2018 | #64
  • BTC: $7,365.31 | +$1,105.18 (+17.04%) since last week
  • ETH: $455.53 | +$18.85 (+4.91%) since last week
  • LTC: $83.29 | +$5.45 (+7.57%) since last week
Built-in Security for Mobile Devices That's Simple and Strong
Check out how cybersecurity leader Rivetz is delivering intuitive yet powerful security on mobile devices using the blockchain and trusted computing.

0x is building the Craigslist of cryptocurrency
0x is a nonprofit that is building the Craigslist of crypto. More specifically, its platform allows any app to become a Craigslist-like platform that incorporates crypto and blockchain properties into it as well.

Take a look at this Bitcoin seed storage stress test
This is a fascinating read on how one crypto investor created his own cold storage wallet and then tested its durability and security. There's also an interesting breakdown of what types of materials are best for creating one's own wallet.

Read Vitalik's new presentation on the latest techniques for sharding
This recent presentation from Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is an excellent overview of the current state of sharding, and what lies ahead for the future. If successful, the technique is poised to solve for two of Ethereum's key challenges in scaling.

Do token projects live up to their promises? Here's what one academic found out
A professor from Penn recently analyzed a set of the top 50 ICOs in 2017, and found that 80% of token projects didn't even code the most basic amount of code required to launch, and that majority of projects didn't launch at all.

A former Macau gangster just raised a $750M ICO in less than 5 minutes
Earlier this month, a notorious ex-gangster from Macau fully sold out his $750M ICO in record time - 5 minutes, to be exact. The ICO funds will reportedly be used to build an online crypto-powered poker platform.

A recent study shows the US taking the lead on new ICOs, with Switzerland not far behind
According to a report released by the Crypto Finance Conference, the US is now the world's top destination for ICOs - followed closely by Switzerland and Singapore. As of today, the US now has 30 of the world's top 100 ICO projects.

This is an excellent primer on Ethereum Blockchain Light Clients
Ethereum light clients are useful in a proof of work context, and they're worth getting to know better. It allows clients like the Raspberry Pi to connect to the network and validate pieces of data on-demand as required by users.

Here's why South Korea is crypto-crazy - and what that means for the rest of the world
Despite its relatively small population, South Korea has what is by some estimates the most active crypto trading market in the world - accounting for up to 30% of crypto trading worldwide. It's due in part to an early-adopting tech culture, and economic factors as well.

The bear's case for the future of Ethereum
While many believe Ethereum will turn out to be the next Bitcoin, there's another side to the coin. This bearish thesis from Tetras Capital lays out why Ethereum might not be the best investment, despite how irrational that may sound.

Will Bitcoin save us from Google?
The decentralized nature of Bitcoin is already being hailed as a potential savior from large tech giants like Google, Facebook, and the like - but is it really a panacea, or will these larger organizations eventually become decentralized themselves?
  • Switcheo Network has just announced a partnership with Ledger. Link
  • Civic is transforming into a crypto-powered marketplace. Link
  • Coinbase walks back comments that it received SEC approval for upcoming acquisitions. Link
  • Meet Atomic Bazaar, the world's most comprehensive Ethereum asset marketplace. Link
  • This is a great new episode of Unconfirmed, with Olaf Carlson-Wee of Polychain Capital. Link
  • Hong Kong's monetary authority is launching a blockchain trading platform. Link
  • Coinbase is considering adding Cardano, Stellar, and other tokens to its portfolio. Link
  • Bitmain is making a major undisclosed investment in Link
  • Poloniex is hiring an Interaction Designer in Boston. Link
  • Join the ABC Summit in Lisbon from September 28-29. Link
  • A must-watch interview with Andreas Antonopoulos.
  • Here are 20 crypto companies in Hong Kong you should get to know. Link
Thanks to Rivetz for sponsoring this newsletter edition.
Edited by Chris Osborne in Hong Kong (in town? reach out to get a coffee). Check out CryptoList and TokenDemoDay if you haven't already. More info on sponsoring a future edition of CryptoWeekly can be found here. Reply to this email if you have any feedback and/or suggestions. Thanks for reading.

Nothing shared or published by CryptoWeekly constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by CryptoWeekly be relied upon for any investment activities. CryptoWeekly strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.

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