Friday, July 13, 2018

Lisk Core Explained, Learn about the Features of the Next Versions!

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In this issue:
What is Lisk Core?
Core 1.0 Getting Ready for Mainnet
New Hires
Lisk dApp Incubator
Ever struggled to explain our most important product: Lisk Core? Check out our latest vide and learn more about our protocol, nodes and how to run one.
Our latest blog posts go into more detail about the Lisk Core 1.0 and 1.1 versions and the improvements and fixes we are already planning for Lisk Core 1.2.
We've just moved to a brand new office and welcomed eight new team members across all departments.
'Elite Incubator' opened in China and will support entrepreneurs building their blockchain applications on Lisk.
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Zug, Switzerland