Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Generation crypto

A new stablecoin, Tron's piece of Chia and a Hong Kong call to action
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August 29, 2018

MORE LOVE FOR STABLECOINS: The founder of TMON, a billion-dollar startup based in Korea, is building a new stablecoin with $32 million in backing from a group of investors that includes Binance, Polychain Capital and Arrington XRP, among others. The stablecoin will be centered around an e-commerce network, with millions of possible customers eyed to actually use it. Full Story 

PIECE OF CHIA: Tron's acquisition of BitTorrent gave the blockchain startup a piece of the Chia Network, a soon-to-be-launched cryptocurrency protocol developed by BitTorrent co-founder Bram Cohen. Chia, which aims to offer a more eco-friendly way of securing a public blockchain by monitoring unused disk space, secured $3.3 million in funding earlier this year from Naval Ravikant, Andreessen Horowitz and others. Full Story

HONG KONG CALLS: Hong Kong wants to attract more blockchain professionals. The local government has released a "talent list" of 11 professions that can receive bonus marks while applying for the city's Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS), including blockchain developers. Full Story

Bitcoin Exchange Volume (7 Day Average)

Exchanges are important entities in the crypto-economy, providing the on/off ramp for users that hold other currencies.

Some exchanges, like Coinbase and Bitfinex, have solidified their positions by consistently posting the highest trading volumes.

At the end of June, Simex emerged as a competitor and is now grabbing about 20 percent of the market of top exchanges. They provide RUB and USD fiat pairs to BTC, ETH, and a few other cryptocurrencies.

For more research insights check out the CoinDesk Research section here.

Join us in Singapore on September 19-20 for two days of content focused on blockchain development in the APAC region. Beyond just Consensus, there are five other technology events that you can attend with your TechXLR8 ticket. Save 40% by using the code CONSENSUS40.

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OVERBOUGHT? Bitcoin is trading below $7,000 at the time of writing, lending credence to the idea that the market might have jumped a bit too high to defend the $7,100 position. Full Story 

WIRED: Coinbase has come up with a special "ceremony" for moving a user's funds offline. Inside a cellphone-proof tent, they generate an encryption key, print it out on paper and then hide in "a secure facility somewhere in San Francisco, where — in theory — hackers can't reach it." Perhaps ironically, digital monies are arguably safer when kept offline


 Dfinity aims to replace cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services and Salesforce with a cheaper, decentralized alternative. On Wednesday, the blockchain startup announced $102 million in new funding from venture firms like Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Capital.   

VENTURE BEAT: CryptoKitties has partnered with digital art firm Meural to open an art exhibit at a museum in Germany. The exhibit, in addition to opening up the world of crypto-cats to art lovers, will explain to visitors how blockchains work

GLOBE AND MAIL: The financial services editor of the newspaper has little love for crypto promoters, arguing that "regulators need to clamp down" on ICOs.

We've launched our new podcast, Late Confirmation, which are the top stories in the blockchain world, delivered daily from the team at CoinDesk, sponsored by the Oxford Blockchain Programme. 

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