Friday, August 31, 2018

Week 35: Five Bullet Friday. Crypto-conditions smart contracts are more powerful than ordinary smart conditions.

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Five Bullet Friday

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 Week 35 

Crypto-Conditions: UTXO-Based Smart Contracts: this post will explain what crypto-conditions are, how they work, and how UTXO-based smart contracts will dramatically alter the blockchain landscape.


Crypto Rob interviews JL777 in this 6 min read (with audio transcription). Talks about Komodo's architecture, what JL777 thinks about Utrum and a lot more. Read the interview.


Third-party validation of 1 million transactions per second. Whiteblock tweets about verifying Komodo's transactions speeds and streaming the testing process. If you'd like to see this happen then jump into the twitter thread and voice your support.


Summary of our AMA Monday talking about crypto-conditions smart contracts. Want to learn the ins and outs of Komodo's crypto-conditions smart contracts? Check out the #STAKED channel in our Discord for more information. Purpose of the chain is to incentivize testing. Find a bug, and you'll be rewarded. Read the AMA Monday summary.


A stack of technical community notes. Collated by Mylo. Following the development and testing of late, but especially this week in Komodo, is like reading a book you can't put down... read Mylo's notes here.


Please update your Agama wallet to be ready for the one million block update.It's an important update because it'll help you avoid going on a fork. Changelog v0.2.41d... download here.

- updated komodo binary
- updated electron version
- security updates

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