Friday, September 21, 2018

Cardano Foundation Newsletter - 21st September 2018


Thank you for pausing from your busy day to read the the latest issue of the Cardano Foundation newsletter! September marks the first anniversary of Cardano launching its mainnet and we are proud to be here with all of you and we will continue to deliver updates and news to you in the years to come.


Charles Video Update

Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK, went live recently to post a video update on Cardano. In the video, he touches on the upcoming Cardano 1.3.1 and 1.4 updates, a soon to be released paper on a Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocol that would be complementary to Ouroboros, the Prometheus project and many other topics. To watch the video and read a summary of the topics covered, head to the Cardano Forum!

Watch Charles' video here


The Quantum Countdown

The development of large-scale quantum computers will threaten the security of computer networks and services that depend on public key encryption, including Smart Ledgers. The Distributed Futures research programme, sponsored by Cardano Foundation, investigated how real the threat is and how and when we should start preparing for it. Read the full report or read our summary post on this topic!

Read about how quantum computing can affect blockchain


Mainnet Launch Anniversary

On September 29, 2017, Cardano's mainnet was launched and our cryptocurrency, Ada, began publicly trading on its first exchange. Since then, the project as well as the Cardano community has grown tremendously. 

We want to celebrate this milestone with all of YOU, our global Cardano community! We've started a hashtag #CardanoMainnetAnniversary and want all of you to share this by adding where in the world you are.

Celebrate the Anniversary with us!


 Cardano Meetups

Image Credit

We are happy to introduce our new community meetup groups from around the world! They are all planning to have their first meetups next week!

Our Cardano community has expanded to Latin America! Our community member, Javier, is organizing the first Cardano community meetup in Bogota, Colombia! RSVP to the meetup here: Bogota, Colombia (Sep 26)

Palo Alto, the home to many technology and innovation companies, now has a Cardano Community! Our community member, Stian, has kickstarted the Cardano meetup in the heart of Silicon Valley. RSVP to the meetup here: Palo Alto, California (Sep 26)

Cardano Community Moscow will hold their first Meetup this month! Haven't signed up for the Cardano Meetup in Moscow page? Let Igor, the host, know you're interested! RSVP to the meetup here: Moscow, Russia, (Sep 27)

In the capital city of Croatia, there emerged the Zagreb Cardano Community! Marin, our community member, will host you in our first Zagreb Cardano meetup! RSVP to the meetup here: Zagreb, Croatia (Sep 29)


 Community Questions

Charles recently hosted a surprise "Ask-Me-Anything" where he answered a few pre-submitted questions as well as live questions from community members watching the AMA. For the newsletter, we have provided a summary of one of the questions. To watch the full AMA, click the button at the bottom. You can also participate in the next AMA by submitting your question through the Cardano Reddit on this thread.

How do you feel about the huge crash in price?

Answer: Charles answers this question in his AMA by reiterating that prices go up and prices go down. You can't look at the day or the week. If you are a day trader, you won't care about the fundamentals, and you are only looking at mere signals or events to try to speculate how it will impact the price. But if you are a long-term investor, look at the macro. Look at what drives adoption, what technologies are necessary for this to be useful, who's going to use this technology and protocol. When you weigh all these fundamentals, your horizons are much longer, like 3 to 15 years. 

Charles also adds that as an industry we need to do better. Exchanges need to have more stringent listing standards, community leaders and crypto-leaders need to be harsher for these projects and we should all remind people that there is no free lunch and nothing comes easy or for free. It takes time, vision and effort for things to grow!

Watch the full AMA