Monday, September 17, 2018

æternity Community Update - August, 2018

Dear æternity community,

Working on developing a next generation, public blockchain platform is one of the most thrilling experiences anyone can have. At æternity we are confident that this will continue to be the case in the future, as the blockchain sphere matures and finds its way towards mainstream adoption.

If you haven't already considered joining a blockchain project, now might be the perfect time! æternity should definitely be at the top of your list. We just announced a few open positions that might just be the perfect fit! Check them out at AngelList. Join the blockchain revolution today!

The æternity team and community have come a long way, but there is much more to be accomplished. Launching the Mainnet is just the next step in a process of evolution that see æternity emerge as the preferred blockchain platform for billions of users worldwide.

æternity is a community project on a global scale. It is YOUR project. Thank you for the support and being part of this marvelous journey.

Here's some of the most interesting news from the æternity movement in August:

Roadmap Update

To provide the community with updated information about the past, present and future of the æternity project, we updated the Roadmap on our website. We also posted a new blog to accompany the update and provide information about the project's evolution during the past few months and highlight the road ahead. Check out the article at the link below.

Getting Started with æternity

In order to help people to get up-to-speed with æternity quickly, we prepared a short blog post with links to essential information about the project. It is a great resource for both newcomers and æstronauts! Click below to access it.

Two New Webinars

As you may know, we have started a webinar series in order to keep the community updated on different aspects of the æternity project. In August, Vlad from the marketing team created one dedicated to Scaling Decentralized Applications, while Erik from the development team explained Sophia, æternity's own smart contract language. Some interesting questions were asked and answered during both events. Watch them in YouTube. 

Content in August

The marketing team is ramping up content creation and we have some great pieces that will be shared with the community very soon. However, you don't have to wait to experience the payoff of the team's efforts. In August, we published a great piece about Self-Sovereign Identity, the Future of Payment Gateways, and a blog post comparing Proof of Work with Proof of Stake. Finally, we also shared an interview with the most senior developer on the team, co-creator of the Erlang programming language and Gotland island resident Robert Virding. Read them all by following the links above!

Development and æpp Updates

In August the spotlight was, as usual, on the wizards of the æternity project - the technical and creative people in the team. The æpp developers started the process of integration of AirGap, a solution that will increase the security of AE accounts by allowing users to sign transactions offline. They also introduced a faucet for Testnet AE tokens and a Sophia smart contract web tool that allows developers write, deploy, and call smart contracts. The dev team was busy covering tasks from the Pivotal Tracker and pushed out two new releases on schedule. You can read all æpp updates here, and all dev ones - here.


To stay up to date on where and when to meet team members next, have a look at our events list by clicking the button below.

æmbassador Meetup in Xiamen, China!

æternity's æmbassador Zen explained the main technological features of the blockchain, dedicating special attention to state channels and oracles. If you are interested in becoming an æmbassador for your city, send a mail to Erik or apply directly.

Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!

If you would like to interact with the team or community, please feel free to join one or more of the channels below.
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