Monday, November 19, 2018

Flagship DApp Program, CoinMarketCap Update, meeting with Fujitsu, tech update, and more! - IOST Bi-Weekly update: 19/11/18


Hi , we hope FakeToshi and the BitcoinCash fork shenanigans aren't getting you down! The last two weeks have been extremely important for IOST and we're proud to share our bi-weekly update which includes the introduction of the IOST Flagship DApp Partnership Program, lectures at several top universities, a new exchange listing, media partnerships, a promising meeting with Fujitsu, a tech update, and much more! Read on for a full rundown on everything IOST


IOST is excited to announce the launch of our Flagship Dapp Partnership Program! This marks the beginning of our 3rd phase of development wherein we will be working with industry leaders to create flagship DApps to be launched along with our Mainnet in Q1 2019.

Through the IOST Flagship DApp Partnership Program, we will consult and work with a range of organizations and companies in high value sectors that we think most suitable to benefit from blockchain technology. We will work to identify common industry pain points and suitable use cases for development of these flagship DApps. Throughout this process we will iterate development and testing with partners and utilize industry feedback to create practical DApps for real world implementation. 

You can read the full announcement here.


Over the last two weeks, CTO Terrence Wang has been traveling through Japan to speak with companies and at universities about the possibilities that blockchain has enabled and how the IOST blockchain is uniquely solving the industry's biggest problems. 

While in Japan, Terrence held a developer meet-up with students from Nagoya University, the Nagoya Institute of Tech, and Aichi University. 15 students joined the event as well as the CTO of EverSystem, our local tech partner, and a local reporter. After talking tech for hours, Terrence and the students took a break to grab dinner!


IOST CTO Terrence Wang and the IOST Japan office had a promising meeting with Fujitsu, Japan's largest IT company. We will soon be meeting with their Silicon Valley office to further discuss possible collaborations! It is truly exciting to see how seriously industry leaders are taking blockchain technology and the many benefits it offers. We strongly believe that IOST can change the world and widespread adoption is crucial to that process.


We are happy to announce that IOST has been listed on CoinBene! CoinBene is an up and coming exchange which has recently consistently ranked as one of the top 10 exchanges by adjusted volume. 


Kevin Tan, head of the IOST developer team, presented a full explanation of blockchain technology to the experimental Computer Science class at Tsingua University, often referred to as the 'Harvard of China.' The class was founded by world-renowned computer scientist and Turing Award winner Yao Qizhi, and only accepts top students. The IOST team has a special relationship with Tsinghua and is always happy to work with bright young minds who question the structures they inherit and strive to improve them.


We are happy to announce a change in the reported circulating supply total for IOST as reported by CoinMarketCap. When IOST initially launched, the circulating supply was wrongly reported by the popular marketcap sites. We have been in discussion with several sites and have agreed to update the listing closer to the accurate amount, with further updates to take place upon further monitoring of accounts. 

You can read our official announcement here


IOST CDO Kevin Tan was invited by the STARS Blockchain Association of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) to conduct an offline technology sharing. During this sharing, Kevin introduced IOST, discussed the development of blockchain technology, and encouraged the students to explore how decentralization can effect the industries they study!


We are pleased to announce that IOST has partnered with CoinGecko to use their "Beam" update system. 

CoinGecko is one of the leading market-cap sites and have built the beam tool to allow projects a direct line of communication to their community. You can explore the IOST page on CoinGecko and check Beam updates here!


CTO Terrence Wang led a workshop in Kyoto with a local group named "Blockchain Kyoto" along with the CEO of PopulStay, a decentralized Airbnb project. The event focused on giving an overview of IOST's technology and explaining how the world is shifting towards decentralization!


We are excited to announce that IOST will be partnering with two media outlets, CryptoTimes and ClickChain, to help spread greater regional awareness of IOST.

CryptoTimes is a leading blockchain publication in Japan and will play a crucial role in ensuring the Japanese blockchain community is able to stay up to date with everything IOST in their native language!

ClickChain is one of the fastest growing Russian blockchain media outlets and they will be critical in helping the Russian blockchain community stay up to date with all IOST announcements in Russian! 



  • Consensus
    • [Design]
      • Finished documentations on economy model design.
      • Finished design on mainnet mapping scheme.
    • [Development]
      • Added "base" contract to genesis block.
      • Added support on RAM and GAS contracts for new infrastructures of "callWithAuth" and "iost.token" fix-point numbers.
      • Integrated the function to continuously generate blocks to "develop".
      • Finished the remaining development and testing work on delayed transactions.
      • Added transaction time handling for block generation and validation.
      • We discovered a caveat on the current implementation of hash calculation. We developed a new encoding mechanism to calculate hash.
      • Modified resource initialization in the genesis block.
      • GAS contracts now allow deposit from others. Gas contracts cost RAM fees.
      • Rebuilt iwallet and started making the SDK independent.
      • Integrated iost.bonus and iost.issue contracts; completed calculation scheme and testing script for Contribution Point.
      • Redesigned and implemented RPC interfaces.
      • Merkle Tree root Hash is now used for both BlockHead's Tx and TxReceipt.
      • Removed GasUsage from BlockHead to save space in DB storage
    • [Debug]
      • Fixed the issue that allowed transactions to repeatedly execute upon error encounters.
      • Finished iserver + RPC + iwallet integration for the end-to-end process of creating an account.
      • Fixed an issue where block validation might fail randomly.
      • Fixed a panic issue when iserver initializes; this was due to resource competition.
      • Fixed a bug regarding the new hash calculation.
    • [Testing and Operations]
      • Tested continuous block generation.
      • Calculated and tested on the optimal time for block generation.
      • Completed RAM contract testing.
      • Completed vote contract testing (including general contracts & publisher's contracts).
      • Rebuilt deploy (playbook); resolved the naming conflict of Build and Create container.
      • Finished docker builder, pending test.
      • Built prometheus, grafana, nginx-ingress on eks; configured ingress and pushgateway, and built testing cluster for pushing data.
      • Coded transfer testing use cases.
      • End-to-end testing: conducted iserver local testing with itest.
      • Applied sharding by namespace on eks and trunking by log file size.
  • Virtual Machine
    • [Design]
      • Finished design on mainnet mapping scheme.
    • [Development]
      • Added interfaces for callWithAuth to V8VM.
      • Added gas consumption to RAM.
      • Finished Coding and testing of OpLog Encoder and Decoder modules.
      • Rebuilt Tx, adding multiple signatures to publisher, modified genesis contract, organised host and V8VM interfaces, and added support for RAM tolls with tokens.
      • Finished hash calculation with JavaScript.
      • Finished tx transmission.
      • Finished permission check in account smart contracts.
      • Added validation to multi-layer signature.
      • Added gas calculation to V8VM prototype.
      • Added gas testing and compatibility to other gas modules.
      • Finished testing code of WAL and debugged the code.
      • Added user-specified amountLimit to Tx, as well as a legal check to amountLimit entry.
    • [Debug]
      • We fixed an issue that caused unexpected resource competition. This was because we didn't properly lock v8 isolate.
      • Fixed the issue that prevented V8VM logs from printing.
      • Assisted the server test with mlj. Fixed data race issues related to "sync".
      • Updated test code for sync and passed test 100%. Fixed a few bugs along the way.
      • Modified token 721 ABI; made improvements by optimizing storage and by removing Tokens storage.
      • Fixed VM's error handling to mvccdb.
      • Fixed an issue where the contract falls back to error when it is successfully packaged.

The last two weeks were certainly a busy period for IOST with new developments and activity around the world. There are also many exciting events on the horizon for IOST including the launch of Everest v2.0, the upcoming release of the CryptoHeroes beta, and the soon-to-be released specifics of the PoB consensus mechanism! You can stay up to date on all things IOST by following us on social media and joining the conversation!


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