Hey you. 

I've been meaning to do a cool DIY project with one of those Raspberry Pi's, but never got around to it. 

UNTIL last weekend.

I built myself a RetroPie which allows me to play over 10,000+ retro games from 1971-2001 — ALL stored on a single 128GB microSD card.

It's pretty damn cool. 

Thinking about making a PiHole next so I could have network wide ad-blocking. 

Anyway — That's enough of my DIY shenanigans.

Yes, you are STILL reading a brand new bi-weekly edition of Loom Updates 🙂

First up, here's a bunch of...

1. Open Source Projects that make Loom Network possible


Our engineers are pretty damn smart... 

But, without the help of incredible open source projects, we'd still be stuck in the blockchain dark ages.

So, we'd like to tip our hat to thousands of developers who have (indirectly) contributed to our own technology.

If you are curious about all of those projects, you should...

👉 Read about all the projects that make Loom Network possible

Also...here's more about...

2. How We Secure Our PlasmaChain Validators


A few weeks ago, I mentioned that we added our first batch of PlasmaChain validators.

Since validators perform mission-critical network functions (like maintaining consensus, verifying transactions etc.)...

It is VERY important that we take security very seriously. 

One way we maintain validator security is by using Hardware Security Modules (HSM's) to protect private keys.

Here's one of our first validators (MW Partners) already using their HSM's to keep bad guys at bay.

If you are curious about why we are using HSM's, you should...

👉 Read about how we secure our PlasmaChain validators

...and if you are a bit geeky, take a look at the latest edition on our...

3. Developer Series: What is the ERC721x token standard? (Part 3)


As I mentioned last week — Dev Bharel wrote a bunch of EXCELLENT developer tutorials on our blog.

This is PART 3  — where he introduces you to the ERC721x token standard.

Take a look. 

💡  If you missed my last email, take a look at these first: 

Part 1: How to deploy your first DApp on Loom's PlasmaChain
Part 2: How to move ERC721 tokens between Ethereum & PlasmaChain 

If you are a developer, please take a look at our Loom SDK documentation as well. 

If you've already read Part 1 and Part 2, it's time that you...

👉 Learn all about the ERC721x standard (Part 3)

Those are all the major updates 🙂

💡  There are a few more "mini" updates as well:

  1. CryptoWars (a cool blockchain game being built on Loom) is giving away $2500 in prizes in a tournament — enter here.
  2. CryptoZombies meetups are STILL happening all over the world. If you are interested in organizing one — take a look at this
  3. Lee Bailey (from ShipChain) wrote a cool guest post on creating a logistics & shipping blockchain  — take a look 

Th-th-th-that's all folks!

Until next time...

Your friend,


P.S—If you are bored, here's a joke by the late great Mitch Hedberg. Also, if you find cool stuff on the Internet pipes, hit reply and send them my way pleeese. Mmmkay thanks.